Pranks for Nothing

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~Third Person P.O.V.~

The hero duo and their best friends where exiting class with Howard telling a story. "I said, 'Ma, I know hand cream's expensive. Why do you think I clipped the coupon?'."

"Fascinating." Riley says completely uninterested as the group come up to Howard and Randy's lockers.

"Hey that guy!"

Everyone is the hallway gasps as Bash and his crew walk through the hall towards someone.

That someone being Randy.

Realizing this everyone, besides Randy, Riley, Howard, and Rachel, made their self scarce.

"I just remembered I have an appointment." Howard then leaps into a open locker and slams it shut making his three friends stare at it blankly.

Looking forward again, Randy gasps seeing Bash standing infront of him. 

Riley was glaring at the group while making sure Rachel was behind her.

"Uhhhh..." Randy starts awkwardly. "What's up, Bash?"

Bash smiles and holds out his hand. "Wanna be friends together?"

Randy looks at the offered hand awkwardly while Riley narrows her eyes in suspicion. "Um....of course. Yeah- I-mean, who wouldn't want to be your friend?" 

Cautiously, Randy holds out his hand to shake Bash's when a claw pops out of Bash's sleeve, grabs Randy's hand, and shocks him!

Randy shrieks in surprise and pain as he's electrocuted.

"Randy!" Riley yells in worry, moving to his side as he falls to the ground hair spiked and smoking.

"Wha-what?!" Randy babbled in confusion. "What the juice was that?!"

Bash and his crew laughed as Bash laughs. "You thought I was gonna shake your hand regular. But instead, you got 'lectrocuted!"

"Ha-ha, oh." Randy laughs slightly in pain as Riley helped him sit up. "I guess you got me."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be getting you a lot." Bash says pulling out the claw that he used. "'Cause I got all these wicked funny pranking things from my stepdad's science guy. It's Bash's Prank-fest! And I'm Bash. Yeah!"

As Bash and his crew leaves, Riley helps Randy get to his feet while Howard comes out of the locker and Rachel moves to stand next to them.

"I already hate Prank-fest." Howard comments with Rachel nodding in agreement.

Like Howard, everyone in school was hatting prank-fest as no one was spared.

Bucky got a rubber snakes in peanut can with the can swallowing him up.

Julian had a 'Kick Me' sign stuck to his back that actually kicked him.

Even Theresa had her baton switched with a high powered one that sent her flying around gym!

In all, everyone in school was on edge praying that they wouldn't be next.

And some took their paranoia to the extreme. 

~Riley's P.O.V.~

I watched with an amused/blank expression as Randy, wearing a green head ban and camo paint on his face, looked around around corner of the hall. "Bash is close. I can feel it."

"Relax, Cunningham." Howard says reassuringly. "It's not that hard to outsmart Bash. You just gotta keep your eyes open."

"Howards right, surprisingly." I say behind them as they stepped forward. " You-"

(Randy x OC) Red and Blue! The Ninja Duo!Where stories live. Discover now