30 Seconds to Math

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~Riley's P.O.V~

"Why I agreed to afterschool tutoring is a question in itself." I mumbled to myself as I stalked down the empty hallway.

Normally helping students at first wasn't so bad....until Marci McFist thought it was a good idea to sign her son up.

Putting it lightly, I always knew Bash wasn't the brightest but that session nearly took all my mental strength just to get through the hour.

Massaging my temple as I continued to walk, I started slowing down when I began to hear....music?

Looking around, I was able to pinpoint where the sound was coming from.

The janitor's closet.

Walking over to the door, I opened it just a crack and peered inside to see Randy playing a Keytar and Howard on some beats(eletronic drums).

                              Randy: "It's four PM and I'm still at school!" 

                              Howard: "It's all good I ain't P-Slim's fool!" 

                              Randy: "I can't remember when I was ever bored-er," 

                       Both: "Cause I got a terminal case of detention-deficit-disorder!"

                                              "I got that detention deficit disorder!" 

                                                                     "I got it bad!" 

I unknowingly tapped my foot and bobbed my head to the beat of their instrumental solo. I knew these two could play but I didn't know they were this good!

They finished with Howard throwing his drum sticks into the air and catching them.

"We are 30 Seconds to Math!" Randy said to the inviable audience. 

"Good night!" Howard said.

Deciding to make my presence known, I opened the door fully and walked in while clapping. "That was awesome guys!"

The boy's heads snapped towards me, looking surprised. "Riley/Davis!"

"W-w-what are you doing h-here?!" Rand stuttered while fiddling with his keytar.

"Just passing by from a tutoring session when I heard your awesome playing! Please tell me you guys are competing in the Battle of the Bands."

Randy opened his mouth to answer but Howard beat him to it. "Heck yeah we are! And we're gonna win and shove it in my sister's face! She wins every year." He then leaned against his drum set in annoyance, causing the drums to let out a noise.

Not that Heidi didn't deserve it, her group is pretty talented. But her winning streak was getting kind of old.

"Not this year." Randy said as he draped an arm around Howard. "Tonight, 30 Seconds to Math joins Norrisville's rock elite, permanently markered on the Stall of Fame." 

He then looked at me, seeming shy. "Uh, do you want to stay and watch us rehearse?"

I smiled at him. "Sure."

Sitting down on a near by crate, I watched as they got back into position.

"Let's take it from the top." Randy said about to play.

Before they could start, the door opened and Janitor Sundown (A/N: Thats his real name.) walked in carrying a bucket. 

"Sorry, boys." He sees me and tipped his hat in greeting. "Oh, and lady." I smiled a bit before it turned into a disgusted frown when he held up a bucket filled with....I didn't even know, all I could make out was the fish bones. "Got a Code Orange in my bucket here. I'd get outta splashin' distance if I was you." 

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