Der Monster Klub

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~Riley's P.O.V~

"Attention, students. The moment you lined up for is almost upon us." Was what I barley heard over the excited screams and shouts of the pushing and shoving crowd I was in.

I was growling under my breath as I was elbowed for the umpteenth time as Principal Slimovits continued speaking making the crowd settle down. "As you know, last month our beloved cafeteria was destroyed by a certain mutated student who shall remain nameless-"

"He gots a name!" Bash interrupted as he grabbed Bucky by his underwear. "It's Bucky! Says so right here in his underwears!"

"No wedgies! See you in detention." Probably gave Bash a detention slip. "Now, while the Ninja and Kunoichi were able to protect our students-"

"Woot, woot! Ninja! Kunoichi!" I hear a cheer from the front of the crowed making me smile.

"-they was unable to protect the tables, chairs, floors and ceiling." I winced a bit at that. Bucky was more than a handful than usual. "But only four short weeks and one year's Twirl budget later-"

I could practically hear Theresa growling from here.

"-we are ready to open our new cafeteria!" The crowd cheered. "Now, I know you've all lined up to 'score' the 'illest' table, but let me assure you they are all equally ill."

I couldn't help but cringe slightly at his bad slang.

Principal Slimovits then pulled out a large jar of mayonnaise making me tense at what was about to happen. "I hereby declare this cafeteria a place to eat!"

Chaos. Complete chaos.

That was the word I was thinking as the crowed stamped into the cafeteria trying to claim a table. During my weaving and dodging, I spot a small head of brown hair in a pink skirt headed towards an empty table near the bathrooms.

Smirking, I speed up and scooped my friend into my arms and dashed towards the table.

"Riley?! What are you doing?!" Rachel asked in shock as she clung to me.

"Getting us a table! What else?!" I laughed as I weaved through the crowd and with a strong jump, I landed me and Rachel on our new table.

"Safe!" I cheered while putting a frazzled Rachel down.

A piece of paper was then stuck on my face.

"New cafeteria rules: No sprinting or jumping. See ya in detention." Principal Slimovits said before walking away.

Taking the slip off my face, I shrug. "Eh, worth it."

"Speak for yourself..." Rachel said straightening herself.

I smiled sheepishly as we began to eat our lunch as we are joined by some of Rachel's band mates and other students.

Lunch was peaceful for the most part, beside the occasional burst of laughter that came from behind us.

When I looked over my shoulder I get the picture of Howards jumping on some figures on top of the table.

Yeah.... not gonna get involved with that today.

After a couple more minutes I hear a small clatter on the ground behind me, so I look down and see a red 20 sided die.

Not even thinking, I bent down to pick it up and just as my hand was over it, a slightly larger hand covered mine lightly.

Looking up, I see I'm face to face with Randy who stared at me with big eyes and a red face.

Amused by the cliché, I gave him a smile. "Hey Randy."

(Randy x OC) Red and Blue! The Ninja Duo!Where stories live. Discover now