| Miguel's Choice |

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The Truth About Mila // MMC.

"A sibling in full spate is always frightening, their anger a surprising powerful defense, their deeper impotence equally powerful, absurd."

~ Will Eaves.


The tip of his worn converse shoes kicks at pebbles as the night sky above him shimmered. Cigarette dance across his lips as his tired eyes watched his foot crush clay underneath the pressure. The day was rough. This fucking day hell. Constant redirecting his own club and Galindo's Charter from reaching any ties with Los Olvidados. Not only is the stress from keeping the rebels safe, but Coco also found out his daughter did a few scenes. Adult entertainment scenes.

Coco wanted to throw up. He wanted to speak to someone about the hurt he felt. Knowing his own daughter resorted to porn to gain money. That is all he needed. An ear to listen to his complaints.

The one person he could have turned to was Mila. She already knew half of his secret. Before knowing his cursed family, Mila listened nonetheless. She was good like that. The woman had a way of bringing out the dull depressing ideas from out of his head. Coco fucked up and now he missed having her comforting gaze.

"Man, what the hell is going on with you?" Angel flicks Coco on the lobe of his ear. The troubled man flinches, throwing up his hand to rest on his now throbbing ear.

"What the fuck," Coco hisses, "What the fuck was that for, puta?!"

"I've called your name three times," Angel held up three fingers as Coco glanced over his shoulder to see EZ standing by their getaway truck. "You got something on your mind?"

Coco's hand slowly falls down to the crook in his neck, gazing up at Reyes with a tight frown. His best friend's expression riddled with concern. Coco clears his throat, taking a drag from his cigarette. "I ended things with Mila," Coco confesses. "I fucked up."

Angel's harden stare falls into a softer version. "Shit, already?" Angel's shoulders relaxed as he scratches the hairs on his chin. Mila had been a good thing for Coco. The Mayan actually smiled besides pulling stunts that usually earned him slaps and annoying remarks.

"Celia came over to the house this morning. Called Mila a disabled whore and told Mila I wasn't worth it, " Coco threw his unfinished cigarette on to the ground. "I got scared. The shit my mom said, I began to think they were true. I mean, what if I am nothin' but trouble for Mila? I can barely take care of myself. I haven't even met my two kids because of my own fears. How can I expect any future with a woman like Mila when I'm always fuckin' up?"

"Are you stupid or what?" Angel shook his head. "Celia ain't nothin' but street pussy. She can barely remember who your dad was. Mila is used to a different lifestyle but she still hung onto you like you were the king of all kings." Angel placed a reassuring hand onto his friend's shoulder, giving him a generous smile. "Talk to her. I think she's the best yet."

As much as Coco appreciated Angel's encouragement, Cruz still wasn't enthusiastic about speaking to Mila. Just imagining being in front of pissed off Mila made his skin crawl. The heel of his shoe slowly glides his seething cigarette. Dragging the ashes and small flame into the ground.

Once his foot slipped away from the now crushed cancer stick, a van pulls up next to their truck. The high beams causing Angel and Coco to cover their delicate stare with their hands. Moments later, the headlights flicker off, giving the men their sight back. Coco pressed his tongue against the inside his cheek as a woman called, Adelita steps from out of the passenger side.

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