| where do we go from here |

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       Holding a coffee cup, Mila watched the camera pointed right at her. With one foot in front of the other, she paced barefoot. Her heels were too much after nearly twenty-four hours in this room. While Mila plotted that Potter needed to be manipulated, Miguel continued to argue. She wondered how much longer she could stay in this room. Everything she did, those damn cameras watched. She couldn't breathe without Potter knowing. And the longer she sat in this room with no contact, the sooner someone from her connections would go out searching for her.

That could cause troubles. The games she played were causing a lot of chaos. And Mila knew it by now.

Miguel needed to give his answer soon. Mila needed him to.

But as she wished Miguel would move this along, where her mind indeed went to was Cruz. Coco must have been waiting for her to respond. She sent him a text before the unfortunate arrest, and now, after twenty-four hours, he must have been worried sick, or he thought she stood him up. Or, what Mila thought could be the most likely outcome, Coco didn't care.

Mila had stopped her pacing to gaze at the floor sadly. If he didn't care, that only meant she fucked up to the point of no return. That frightened Mila.

The door opened, and Potter came into the room with a pleased expression. Mila raised her gaze, relaxing her face as she studied him. He wasn't pissed or disappointed. Miguel must have agreed. In Potter's hands sat a large book with all the details from Mila all the way to Miguel; along with the acknowledgment of this deal. He hands it over, and Mila takes it after placing her coffee cup down.

"The deal is, we promise to keep Miguel instated as reigning heroin king. Miguel, i.e., you own Sonora and the East Cali border. We'll also supply manpower and weapons to crush Los Olvidados and any, uh, cartel threats that might pop up...

... We'll also eliminate any EPA snags slowing down your brother's Santo Padre Agra-Park project. You keep your business and hidden name. We'll make sure no one knows who you truly are and protect you from any threats that might come. For us, we reinstate the balance and protect our interests. Occasionally we might need your product. It tends to be a valuable currency in specific markets. And sometimes, we'll need information on particular associates."

"The MC?" Mila questioned, holding the giant book of every dirt of the cartel and the Galindo family in her hands. "I can't do that—"

"It's funny what love does to a person. Especially when that love should be forbidden; I understand this. Johnny Cruz means much to you, but remember, this is your family's life at stake. No is not an option."

Mila lowered the thick book, closing her eyes briefly to accept the consequences of shaking her hand with the devil. After running her fingers through her hair, Mila took a pen from Potter and sat in the chair with one leg crossed over the other. She didn't look up to see if Potter wanted to say more; instead, she began to flip through the pages. Until she saw Miguel's signature on one of the documents, she read it with care, and after giving this all a second thought, she too signed underneath his name. Mila continued with each page until she reached the last one, and with a sigh, she snapped the book shut. Handing it over to Potter with the pen on top.

With a grin, Potter takes it with grace.

"I hope to see you soon, Miss. Rivera."


A late-night meeting had been called for, and Coco couldn't quite figure out what it could be. Marcus Alvarez had arrived with his men, ready to speak the truth about Miguel and Mila. The cartel had gone silent. Moves had been ceased. Those close to Miguel, who weren't near his home, scrambled to get everything they could together. If Miguel fell, a new king would appear. War could eventually arrive at their doorstep.

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