| The Devil's Trap |

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"You look distraught, Hermana."

Miguel gently tugged at his cufflinks, whilst leaning against his desk. Mila looked at him with a blank gaze upon her face. She sat in one of the leather seats Miguel had just purchased a few weeks ago to fit the theme of his luxurious office. A small cup of coffee sat between her hands as she thought about what took place the previous night.

As much as she enjoyed being alone at home, Mila took to the road to be with her family. She needed some time away from the very place Coco left her behind. That memory seemed to take up much of her headspace and she could no longer fight with that terrible remembrance.

She hoped within the following hours, if she reached out, Coco would want to sit down. Speak out for their differences. Yet, he ignored her messages. What she hoped to be a way to redemption, withered away with her self-confidence. Coco wanted nothing to do with her and she now realized their relationship may never pull back together.

"You don't usually come to my doorstep at 2 in the morning looking like someone robbed you," Miguel continued after a long dull silence. "What's wrong?"

Mila raised her gaze to get a better look at Miguel. Not quite catching his statements.

"I'm sorry - what were you saying?"

Miguel opened his mouth to rephrase his concerns, however, the sound of heels coming into the room made him cease. Emily Galindo stood under the threshold of Miguel's office. Paperwork and a newspaper wedged under her arm. Her blonde wavy hair rests perfectly upon her shoulders as her bright blue eyes dart in between the Galindo siblings.

Mila raised her brows, remembering the research the two had done. Emily, unable to sleep, requested Mila's help with analysis'. The only way she knew how to help find Cristobal. The two women shared a pint of chocolate ice cream and spent the whole night doubled over on their laptops. Anything to keep Mila from glancing at her phone.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something," Emily states just as Devante and Nestor hurried behind the wife with annoyed expressions.

"We tried to stop her," Nestor Oceteva huffed, "Told her you and Mila were in a meeting -"

Miguel scoffs, shaking his arm to readjust his dress shirt sleeve. "My wife can come down whenever she pleases. There is no rule saying she can't," Miguel points out.

Emily peers back at Nestor before she moved into the room, handing Miguel articles of documents and the history of the Galindo Cartels tactics. Mila sipped on her coffee whilst crossing her legs. In a sense, Mila saw this as an opportunity for Emily to prove herself. Sure she agreed to stay outside their world; Mila thought Emily truly belonged beside her husband. At least for the minor tasks. Dita Galindo sat outside in her blissful world and yet look where that got her.

"Mila and I teamed up together and we found some rather - compelling reasons as to why any of you can't get above the other," Emily paused, flicking her eyes towards Mila as if to be waiting for approval. She then placed her file onto Miguel's desk and flipped open the cover to hand over printed articles. "This is research...from media, military, and academic websites. It shows how the Taliban and ISIS infiltrate a town. Take over from the inside. It - it would be a familiar read."

Miguel took the papers with interest, his thick brows raised.

"Los Olvidados...they are doing the same thing. First, they position themselves as saviors. The homegrown bomb for the invading disease," Emily continued as Miguel handed Nestor and Devante the copies of Emily and Mila's findings. "Coffee shops and bars; Then it spreads to social media, local press, rallies - just inciting hate and rebellion and it doesn't take much to shift the will of the broken. And once that happens, they've earned trust. They secure benefactors and begin recruiting. It's the perfect mix of primitive and high-tech warfare."

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