| The Crow, The Fox, and The Coyote |

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[ not edited; many mistakes ahead.
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 ]

For as long as she could remember, the little girl deep within Mila Galindo strived to be more than just the daughter of Jose Galindo. The king of Mexico. She lived for the keys of a piano, the smell of newly bought books, and most of all, enjoyed picking her brain during trivial games. When things were better, she smiled and laughed. Saw the world with colors. Naïve, cliche even, but Mila didn't see it that way.

She was innocent. Too carefree to fully comprehend.

But as all things go, the rot from the real world wraps its way into anything pure. Nothing good lasts forever.

When she awoke from a massive head injury, Mila was often told that her loss of hearing was caused by an accident. A drunk driver had hit her mother's vehicle, and Mila was the only one to hit most of the blow. Every waken moment between her pain and drug-induced slumbers, Mila was told the same thing until she too believed it. Nonetheless, the truth can only be held for so long. And Mila did what she did best; Believe everything Dita and Devante told her, smile, and nod. Never indicate that she knew something didn't smell right.

Dita already treated the girl poorly compared to her brothers. Any crude remarks from young Mila could mean a backhanded slap across her cheek.

Dita made it clear that she hated her daughter, and Miguel took advantage of what he had learned from his mother. Treat Mila as if she were not a person due to her disability. Only a tool.

And, there, Mila smiled.

"Do as I say, or face the consequences."

Miguel spoke this sentence often. A power play to gain control over his dearest little sister.

Do right, act right, disconnect right.

Keep secrets for Miguel, Dita, The Cartel, and The MC. Become invisible to the public, and use the skills that were taught. Be the sweet little girl she once was but keep away from strangers. Except for Johnny Cruz. Reel him in with bait, and make him tell Mila all of his secrets.


The next morning, Mila made it her mission to force Johnny up early. She made him breakfast, and coffee, and made sure he had some money for new groceries and cigarettes. After she plucked a kiss on his forehead, she left his home and went back to her townhouse fifteen minutes away. Just as she had done Johnny, Mila followed the steps with Leticia. Neither spoke, only a few glances and a "good morning", came from them.

After Leticia was dressed, Mila drove them to the Scrapyard since she couldn't keep an eye on the bruised girl until after the deal with Miguel. EZ had agreed to keep Leticia close for the day. The Prospect and young Cruz had grown close, accepting her as family. Just like the club should be.

"Where's my dad?" Letty questioned Mila as the latter finally placed her distant gaze on her. The sun was peeking over the horizon, but a twilight aroma still overshadowed the small town. Mila's BMW had come to a pause in front of Angel's ( now EZ's ) trailer at the back of the scrap yard.

Mila cuts the engine, letting out a sigh as she leaned her head against the headrest of her seat. "He's home. I took care of him last night, he wasn't in a good place."

Leticia looked down at her hands as she imagined Coco's dismay. Had she caused more problems? Was she being foolish? She wasn't quite sure what to do now that things had turned into a bigger problem than she had anticipated. The car grew quiet, only the sounds of maniacal parts whining down fill the void. After what felt like a long minute, Laticia placed her hand on Mila's forearm to gain her attention.

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