| I love you, Johnny Cruz |

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The morning couldn't have been any worse for Mila. She awoke to Carlos at her doorstep, handing over documents that the feds had taken from her office. She had barely gotten any sleep after Miguel left the night before. All she wanted was some good rest and a decent morning alone. However, everyone wanted to ring her doorbell to check in or tell her new information. And just as she sat on her sofa for the first-morning coffee, the doorbell rang again.

Grumbling under her breath, Mila placed her coffee cup down and stomped towards the front door. She adjusted her silk robe, not having time to dress appropriately due to the traffic and interruptions. Mila opened the door with an attitude, but it quickly vanished as she came face to face with Coco Cruz. The woman looked up at him, holding the door handle tightly. Her other hand gripped the lapels of her robe as she swallowed.

The conversation before confronting Miguel and being kidnapped by Potter had been difficult. It wasn't much of a conversation, nonetheless, it was rough and emotional. Mila wasn't sure if Coco truly wanted anything to do with her, but that might have been a wrong thought as he stood in front of her. He appeared healthier. His eyes were less exhausted, and his complexion returned to normal. All that happened seemed to have never happened in his head, and Mila tilted her head at this.

"Johnny...." Mila says, but as she goes to speak more, the man steps up to her to meet her at the doorway's threshold. His arms wrap around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. Mila doesn't hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck. One hand cradles the back of his head as she flutters her eyes shut, hiding the upper half of her face in the crook of his neck.

Despite Miguel believing his sister held no love in her heart, that was further from the truth. She loved her nephew, she loved Letty, and she loved Johnny. She cared for many of the people around her. The bitterness of her past did not stop her from sentiments.

While Coco now knew she was a Galindo, he could turn his back on her. She had lied and kept her true identity from him, but he didn't care. Coco found someone he loved and wouldn't let go of the woman who made him feel larger than life.

Pulling away, Coco touched her cheeks to get a better look at her.

"Did they hurt you?" Coco questioned, his voice laced with concern.

Mila held his wrist while her smile of pure happiness faded. For a moment, she had forgotten all about the DEA deal and all the mess connected to it. She wanted to enjoy a moment with the man she loved. Lowering his hands from her face, Mila sighed, then quickly ushered Coco into her home before closing the door behind him.

"I'll make you a cup of coffee," Mila tells him.

The coffee didn't matter. Coco wanted to know what had happened, but the brunette wouldn't jump immediately into that conversation. While Coco sat in the living room, Mila searched for a mug. She held the pot in her hand as she thought about what to say.

She couldn't tell him the truth, but she couldn't lie. He'd be pissed if he knew she was behind Cristobal's kidnapping. Everything she did and didn't tell him could break them forever. If not, get her killed. So Mila made the correct decision by brushing important details under the rug. The brunette poured the coffee into the mug and walked into the living room to join Coco.

"Here," Mila handed him the mug and sat beside him, leaning her elbow against the back of the sofa and tucked one knee to face him completely. Her hands played with her damp hair and earlobe, admiring him silently.

"What happened?" Coco didn't take a sip of his coffee. "When I woke up you were gone and didn't say shit to me. I thought maybe you wanted nothin' do with me. Letty said you dropped her off at the clubhouse, but I couldn't reach you after that text. All of the sudden, we hear about this DEA bullshit. How'd they get you?"

The Truth About Mila | Mayans M.C.Where stories live. Discover now