|Familiar Feeling|

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                "There you guys are!" Leticia ran to embrace her father. She had been worried, wringing her hands at the lie she had told. Coco barely spoke or looked her way. Something told her Mila had told him the truth, but the teen eventually came to terms that something must have really hurt him. Whatever happened, had to involve Celia but not Leticia's lie. "You haven't said shit to me!"

"I'm sorry," Coco tells her, grazing his thumb against her cheek. He meant the apology. As much as he hated himself for what he had done, in his mind, the man protected his daughter from a narcissistic abuser. Someone needed to step in. And that someone needed to be him. "Are you okay?"

Leticia looked up at her father while he examined the bandages on her forehead and arm. Although Leticia had been injured, she sure seemed fine with it. The kid is tough. Well, she is his after all, Coco shouldn't be so surprised by how well she handled pain and difficult situations. Mila stood beside Coco, gripping the straps of her bag until Leticia went to wrap her arms around her. Surprised, Mila looked over to Coco for confirmation that this hug is real, and once the man smiles at her—Mila returns the hug, pressing her lips against her hair to give Leticia a light kiss.

Stepping back, Mila cupped Leticia's face, examining the bandages just as Coco did. Then she grins, happy to see the girl was well taken care of by Ez. Mila could care less about that guy, he wasn't the ideal person she wanted to be around—something about the youngest Reyes made her annoyed, however, he took care of Leticia well. That's what mattered.

"I want to talk to you about something," Mila goes straight to the point, not wanting to keep the conversation hidden. In the back of her head, Mila did feel a little concern. What if Leticia didn't want to stay with Mila? Asking to move in until Coco could get his place situated is a lot. Especially after everything that happened. But even if Celia were alive, Leticia could not go back there.

"I want you to stay with me," Mila pressed her lips together, doing her best to read Leticia's expression. "You can't stay with Celia any more. She's not good for you. So, your dad and I agreed to let you stay with me until he could gather a room for you."

Leticia looked in between her father and the woman he loved. She wasn't sure what to think but she surely wasn't going to complain. This meant that she could be around Mila, and eventually be around her dad. The club had already accepted her as family. Everything seemed like a dream come true. She wasn't alone anymore. A big toothy smile formed across her face and Leticia nods her head with excitement.

"I—I would love that! More than anything!" Leticia says, unable to hide her enthusiasm. "Fuck. This is awesome!"

Mila, relieved to know the teen wasn't going to throw a fit, took her by the hands and give them a squeeze. While the pair spoke about what Leticia would need for her room and what they could do during their time together, Cruz watched them with such a soft heart, Angel's head would explode if he saw the image of purity. At that point of time, Coco came to accept Mila had him wrapped around her little finger. No matter the lies she had and the uncertainty of her true feelings, Coco will always love Mila.

The vibration of her phone inside the back pocket of her shorts brought Mila's attention. Removing her touch from Leticia, Mila quickly pulled out her iPhone to see a text from Miguel. With a sigh, Mila reads it in silence.

Miguel wished for a meeting, one that could have an agreement on what to do with the whole situation. Looking at Coco, Mila gave him an indication to provide him a hint that Miguel needed her. Coco wrapped his arm around her waist once she turned toward him. He pulls her in, kissing the top of her forehead, wishing they could spend more time together.

That is the life of the cartel and the mc. There will always be times where the couple will have to pause intimate moments. Unfortunately, their businesses came first. No matter how much they disliked it.

Closing her eyes, Mila enjoys the touch of his lips against her skin. Once he pulled away, she stood a little taller to peck a kiss on his lips.

"Come by tonight, okay?"  Mila whispered, softly smiling. "I promise everything will work out."

While the couple smooched, Leticia groans, rolling her eyes at the scene. She liked them together but she didn't quite like watching them kiss and act like an actual couple.

Mila and Coco pull away—assuring Leticia that he will be back after dropping Mila off. While they said their goodbyes, Ez came from out of the clubhouse, watching them with his eyes squinted. Coco might have placed his trust onto Mila, Ez did not. Little did he know, Mila felt the same. Something about the other made their skin crawl. But another feeling gave Ez a familiar thought. Something about the way Mila looked reminded him of his father. Ez couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe it was the way Felipe Reyes also held secrets.

They were the same in many ways. But that couldn't have been it. He trusted his father with his heart—Mila, however, not so much. She'll forever be seen as a spider in a web. Waiting for victims to become entangled.

Ez wiped his hands on the red rag in between his fingers, biting his bottom lip. He'd have to watch out for Mila and possibly Angel too. The eldest Reyes hadn't forgotten Ez's betrayal.


Hey, everyone!
I'm sorry that this chapter was short! It's boring and not that filling!
I had to cut it off but the next chapter will be a little longer. We are slowly coming to an end to this book, but I will be creating a sequel for seasons 2 and 3!

Thank you guys for the support!

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