| You Did This, Dita |

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The Truth About Mila || MMC

"I go downstairs to my bedroom and get out my diary from where I’ve hidden it in the wardrobe under my jumpers.
I write, ‘My mother has a secret."

~ Sanjida Kay.


"For decades our towns and cities have been the devil's playground. Drug cartels rule us with a bloody fist. Our officials are corrupt. Our economy in shambles. We have become the joke south of the border. The wetback fence builders for the clown king. They call us rebels, vigilantes, and terrorists - but we don't want violence or terror. We want to escape that life. Our struggle is to take back what our grandfathers fought for - political and economic emancipation. So, now is the time to stand up and be heard. A cause united is courageous and unstoppable. It's time for the devil to be afraid. Let his mind be gripped by fear, his heart, void of joy. And his arms hold no sons. We can no longer be forgotten."

Mila lowered her phone from her face, her lips pinched together as Miguel slid a flyer stating the same message. With a sigh, Mila picked up the flyer, reading the top large bold letters;

Los Olvidados.

Underneath the script, "Mata al diablo pesucita méxico", is scribbled at the bottom. Next to the words is a picture of what appears to be a stuffed animal holding a rifle. Mila couldn't quite tell.

"When was this posted?" Mila questions her brother softly.

"This morning, " Miguel signed, his face riddled with sadness. "They are fucking everywhere. The video has been shared at least 1m. Maybe more by now. I don't even know what to do."

Mila leaned back in her chair, rubbing the round of her chin as the news sunk in. While she sat around playing kiss and tell with Coco, shit was becoming serious with this whole revolutionaries. The information of whoever took Cristobal, the person who started this all, a single woman hit Mila out of nowhere. This woman is smart enough to gain some control over the border. No matter what Miguel did, she found a way to move around him. Completely knocking his players off the field.

"Anything on the Mayans?" Miguel's questioned in almost a whisper.

"No, " Mila rubs her hands across her cream-colored pencil skirt. "No. Nothing at all, Miguel."

"Carlos Perez tells me you came from that Mayans house this morning. What is that about, hm?" Miguel held a glass of rum in hand, twirling the two ice cubes within his drink around as his wrist moves in a circular motion. Mila blinks at Miguel, biting her bottom lip hard.

"I went to a party. Tried my best to stay focused, shit didn't pan out." Mila ran her fingers through her wavy hair. Going to that party was a mistake. Like Coco said. All of this was a mistake. "We should try to think of something else. I'm an outsider with the Mayans. From what I noticed, women aren't exactly exclusive in their business. Miguel, we are losing."

"Don't you think I know this?" Miguel huffed, "My son is out there with the - monsters."

"May I give my advice?" Devonte Cano steps into the room. Miguel points at their father's most trusted advisor to allow Mila to acknowledge his presence. Mila shifts in her seat to see Devonte standing just outside of Miguel's office. The older man held many years on his shoulders. Keeping the Galindo Cartel afloat since he was a young man. Once the lieutenant, Cano found favor with Jose Galindo. Gaining Devonte access to family matters.

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