| The Truth About Mila |

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{ warning; domestic violence ahead; I do not support violence nor do I want to trigger any one who may read this chapter.
if you are suffering from domestic violence please call:
The National Domestic Abuse Hotline;


Just as Coco thought for once the universe granted him something good. Something worth living for, it tore his hope right from out of his hands. Adelita did not move nor did she react to Coco throwing Mila's photograph onto the ground. She only studied him. Really examined Coco. Anyone who knew Cruz knew he could go over the handles. He had before, why not now?

Running his fingers through his hair, the man squeezed his eyes shut. Going back to everything. Questioning if Mila truly loved him. If anything she said had been real.

"Well, shit..." EZ spoke whilst handing the child over to Adelita. Coco opened his eyes. He and Angel placed their gaze onto him.

"What?" Angel spat, turning more towards his brother.

"I -" EZ wasn't sure how to say it. The truth about Mila only came to light just yesterday. He only knew what Mila wanted to tell him and it is clear she held a talent for lying. "Yesterday, when we got pulled over by that cop - he knew Mila. It was like, he didn't care if the car was marked as stolen. Then, I recognized her." EZ licked his lips, sweating from the heat and humidity. For a moment, he thought of how to lie. This situation wasn't exactly helping his case. If Mila found out Coco knew, she'd think EZ told them and that could bring the pain down onto him.

"She was with Emily before...." EZ finally lied.

"You didn't think to tell us this shit?" Coco spat, pointing towards the file now resting on the table.

"What was I supposed to do? You love her Coco and I knew you wouldn't believe me even if I had told you," said EZ, picking up the photograph of Mila.

"She's with my kid -"

"Well, he did ask you about it like 5 minutes ago, amigo," Angel reminds Coco.

"Shut up," Coco says through gritted teeth, stepping out of the tent. "I'm going to get my kid from that lying bitch."

"No!" Adelita shouts, hurrying behind Coco. "No, do not say anything. Not until you get back. She could very well tell her brother and that's the last thing we need right now."

A moment of hesitation caused Coco to stop in his tracks. If he wanted to do this the right way, going to Mila during his frustration and anger may cause a terrible butterfly effect. Letty is with Mila and somehow he is supposed to swallow down the truth. How could he while his eldest child is under this deceitful woman's watch?

The confrontation will have to wait. His life isn't the only thing that would be on the line. Angel and EZ. The orphans and Adelita. Their lives mattered more than his. Being selfless today may be the best chance to keep everyone safe from Galindo's wrath.

His shaky hand pushed into his kutte pocket whilst his large brown eyes studied the desert mountains. Before he could dig out a cigarette from out of the pocket, emotions overtook his cloudy thoughts.

"Do you understand?" Adelita questions once Coco failed to turn around.

Remembering where he stood, Coco looked over his shoulder to connect with Adelita. She appeared sympathetic with his fears, however, Coco questioned what she knew about the pain of love? Angel wasn't going anywhere.

"Yeah, I fuckin' got it," Coco replies coolly before walking to the edge of the campsite to light his cigarette.

Whatever happens, will happen soon enough. Coco made up his mind. Mila will die by his hands.

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