Chapter Thirty-Three

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An hour passed by and then it was finally time to line up at the arena. It was still another half an hour before the show started, but Wes wanted everybody ready anyway.

“How are you feeling, darling?” Ed asked I went to go get Zaltana. 

“I feel like I’m about to throw up.”



“I think that’s how you’re supposed to feel right now. Go get on your horse and I’ll meet you at the arena.” 


“Hey, come here,” Ed said, embracing me. I was too nervous to hug him back. “You’ll be fine.”

I untied Zaltana’s lead rope and slid her halter off her bridle. But just before I got on, someone tugged on my hand. 

“Hey,” Taylor said.


“You’ll be great.”


Taylor grabbed me by my shoulders, forcing me to calm down and hold still.

“I love you. Now just chill.”

“I love you, too.”

I threw myself at Taylor and then I fiercely pressed my lips to his. Zaltana head-butted me when she felt that the kiss had gone on too long.

“You know that’s a very rude habit,” Taylor told her.

She looked like she might attack him.

“Kayla!” Ed yelled, scolding me for not having gotten on my horse yet.

“I’m getting on right now!”

I walked Zaltana to the mounting block by our trailer, and then I headed to the arena. Ed and Jason were waiting for me.

“Amy and Emma are sitting over there,” Ed said pointing to a few tables where most of the riders’ families seemed to be. 

“So, remind me, how does this work?” I asked.

“They call three riders at a time. One is in the arena, one is waiting at the gate, and one is ‘on deck’.” Jason answered. 

“I’m going to die,” I said.

Ed scoffed.

“You’re not going to die.”

“Yes, I am.”

“No you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Don’t argue with me.”

Jason laughed.

“You’ll be great.”

Mindy had pulled up next to me on her horse. He was a beautiful dark bay. 

“I assume you’re going first,” I said.

“No,” Wes replied for Mindy. He came around to pat her horse. “I always like to save the best for last.”

Wes chuckled to himself, but Mindy sort of rolled her eyes. I looked down to see Ed’s hands balled up in fists. Zaltana seemed to notice something was wrong with him and she glanced over at him. I stroked her neck to tell her everything was all right.

“I think it’s amazing how far Zaltana’s come, don’t you Wes?” Mindy said.

Wes’s cheeky smile vanished. I stifled a snicker.

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