Chapter 1

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Heavy. That's what it felt like. I couldn't open my eyes. Oh god I'm dead. The only visible thing I can see is blackness. My head pounded, and my ears were ringing.

I drifted in and out. Am I dreaming?

On minute I'm on the side of the road and next thing I'm laying somewhere I can't make out not knowing what's going on.

My head was to heavy to lift up. I tried to talk, all that came out was a small mumble like noise, like I rolled my tounge.

Where the hell am I?

I turned my head to the side slightly even though it feels like I am carrying 500 pounds of bricks on my head.


A sobbing voice called me sounded muffled and far away. I opened my eyes a little to reveal a blinding light and a spitting headache suddenly hit me.

"GEE!" I opened my eyes a little more just enough to see the voices face.

As soon as I saw him I recognized it was my brother Mikey. His face looked mangled and honestly, he looked horrible. Dark circles were under his eyes, which were also beat red. His cheeks had tear stains on them and his hands were up to his mouth shaking.

"Gerard WAKEUP" he said tears rushing out of his eyes.

"NURSE!" He called out as a woman in a short skimpy dress who looked well done with her night came in the door. I tried to speak or do something but my lips were dry and cracking, and the ringing noise in my ears made it hard to tell exactly what was going on.

"GERARD WAY YOU HAD ME SO SCARED!" I I could see his eyes hold back even more tears, mikes always was a crier.

I tried to Speak another time.

"M-Mikey" I whispered gently, which is about as loud as I could say right now.

Then it hit me.. I tried to kill myself. I'm in the hospital. And i didn't succeed.

"He is Problobly very confused right now, and has a headache because of the medicine. Not to mention getting your stomach pumped takes the life out of you." The un-enthusiastic woman said as she walked over to a machine next to me.

Mikey let out a worried huff and sat back down. His legs were bouncing. I could tell he was about to loose it.

I lost the energy to keep my eyes open, so I lay there lifeless. Just listening to the conversation going on in the room. Which wasn't much, the nurse spoke a few words but I wasn't able to hear them very well because I was so exhausted my mind went blank.

After about 5 Minutes I opened my eyes again and realized I was a little more able now. I could feel that there were drugs running through my body, everything was clouded and dazed. It was like watching my life happen from the inside of my head behind a glass wall.


Mikey rushed back over to my side. You could see the pain in his eyes and I felt a rush of guilt run through me.

"Gerard... Gerard I missed you. You have been gone for a week! Why... why would you try to. You know. Kill yourself. "

What does he mean. Has it been THAT long? I was in a Coma.

I started the feel myself coming back into reality. I coughed slightly to clear my thoat. My face was hot and my breath tasted like it had been days old.

Then I heard the door open and shifted my eyes over towards the door and saw a man in a white coat. He rushed in and took a spot beside me.

"How long has he been up?"

"Only like 10 minutes the.... The nurse was in here. "

My whole body was numb and I couldn't feel anything really besides my face. I'm so scared. I wish I would have waited for a bigger truck. I'm Supposed to be dead right now.

"Gerard your a very lucky boy. The car that you jumped in front of swerved basically just push you down and ran over your ankle. and your skin is really torn up. What did almost kill you was all the of painkillers you took before you went in the road."

"It's been about a week you were in the coma due to you overdosing before hand."

Fuck this.

"can i ask you a few questions?''

"c-can i s-it-t up?" my voice was hoarse, i could barely talk. And this fucker wanted to ask me questions. All anybody needs to know is that I should be dead right now.

He nodded and helped me get into a sitting position. Which is when i realised that my ankle hurt really badly. I let out a whimper which cause mikey to move a little closer to me, as if to protect me. Shortly after the nurse came in, and when she came over she started doing something with my ankle.

"okay gerard what do you remeber? Remember mikey?"

Dumb fuck.


"Your last name?"

I frowned. What was my last name? I thought deeply and after a moment of silence in the room i sadly shook my head. Mikey looked horrified.

"your last name is way." he said.

"dont worry, your memory should come back in a few days. You are under a lot of medication right now and have been in a coma for almost a week. I would like expect your brain to be a little fogged." he smiled and patted me on the sholder. His hands were ice cold and it made me flinch. I'd rather him not touch me.

"Gerard you need to get more rest. I'm guessing your body is numb. It the drugs we have you so you don't feel anything. Just relax. Mike can I talk too you out side?"

Mikey nodded and shot me a sad look and headed out the door.

Well fuck.



I walked out the door. My mind was going crazy. When will Gerard come home? Why did he do this?

"So Mikey I bet your wondering about what exactly were going to do about Gerard."


But I didn't really say that. I just nodded.

"Well, you know he has been out for a week. So were gonna keep him a few days to make sure he is stable. your going to have to keep close eye on him."

Ok well I guess that's good that he didn't get hurt to badly. Thank god that car wasn't going fast.

"Gerard will need to go to a counseling class so tomorrow when you get him we will tell you the schedule for that."

I knew Gerard would hate that. He hates people. But hopefully he can get some help. I need him.

"Ok well it will be a few days till he can go home." the scorer smiled and I said ok and left.


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