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*5 years later*

I yawned and set off my alarm clock. Frank Had not woken up yet. I kissed his forehead lovingly, and brush my gentle hand across his soft skin.

His eyes were pressed shut, creating perfect wrinkles on the sides of his eyes.

I forced myself to get out of bed, knowing Leo and Bella would be awake soon.

I threw a sweatshirt and some jeans on before heading downstairs. I walked over to the counter of the kitchen and pulled out a pan, and placing it on top of the stove burner.

I flicked the switch on and pulled out a carton of eggs. Soon enough I heard Little feet and a small girly yawn coming down the stairs.

"Daddy?" The small for year old ran up to me, latching onto my leg.

"Morning Bella!" I said picking her up and kissing her forehead several times. She giggled and wiggled around for me to set her back down.

"Hey, why don't you go wake Leo. Im making eggs for you guys." I said now dumping the mixture of egg and milk into the pan and watching the liquid sizzle in the pan.

I popped some toast into the toaster and then decided to head upstairs again while it cooked.

I heard Leo and Bella in their bedroom playing, giggling to Eachother, most likely playing the game they like to call "horsey" meaning they are horses and they walk around on all fours and neigh.

I walked past their bedroom into Grayson's room and flicked on the light. I walked over to the crib and pulled out the small 1 and a half year old from his crib. He was already awake, and he looked at me with his big Grey eyes and his mouth hooked around a pacifier.

"Hey there baby boy." I said and kissed his forhead, carrying him downstairs. I set him in his high hair and walked back over to the stove, scrambling the eggs in the large pan.

In 5 minutes The kids Came running downstairs and sat at the table. The toast popped out, and I made a plate of eggs and buttered toast for both of them, setting it on the table in front of them.

Frank came down the stairs rubbing his eyes and waltzed over to me, leaning against the counter.

"Can I have food daddy." Frank said sarcastically and smirked at me. I looked at him and pecked his cheeks once before giggling.

Frank grabbed himself a plate and I put eggs and toast on it and he walked over, taking a spot next to Leo at the table.

"Preschool today!" I said as I turned the stove off, and bringing my own plate of food to the Table along with a small metal container of baby food, and a soft little kid rubber spoon.

I placed the baby food on Greyson's tray and started to feed him. He remained quiet. Greyson didn't make much noise.

Sure he was one almost two years old so I didn't expect a little baby to say much, but he never cried. I wasn't complaining though.

The kids whined and looked at me.

"Daddyyyyyyy I don't wanna go!" Bella complained to me. I smirked and took a bite of my eggs.

"Well guess you'll have to ask Your dad about that." I smirked and looked at Frank. He gave me an evil stare.

"Yes your going. And if you don't...." Frank got up from his seat and walked over to Bella, pulling her chair out from the table.

"...I'll have to... TICKLE YOU!" Frank reached for the small girls sides and tickled her, making a volcano of laughter fill the room.

He went back to his spot to grab his now empty plate and put it in the sink.
I guess you could say things worked out for me. Cause they did. Our Lives are great, we have 3 beautiful kids, we have a nice house to ourself, Frank has joined a new local band and he is playing shows weekly that pay great.

None of this would have happened if that car wouldn't have swerved out of my way.

If I would have succeeded to kill myself, this would not be real. Who knows wear Frank could be.

I'd like to think that he would still have a family and kids and be happy, because he deserves it.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is... not only he deserves it, but I deserve it. You deserve it. I made it. I really fucking made it and I am proud to say I survived anxiety and depression.

And it's all thanks too this boy named Frank Iero that talked to me in counseling class one day.

That's all it took.

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