Chapter 20

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the vibe of this song REALLY fits with this chapter. I recommended to listen to it while reading.

"Well Gerard, it seems your anxiety has come back." The doctor said putting his clipboard down.

I angrily slammed my fist down on the table. I can't deal with this. I can't.

"WHY? I HAVNT HAD ANXIETY IN SO LONG. WHY NOW?" my sob filled the room, not being able to finish the sentence.

All Frank could do was squeeze me tighter and comfort me.

"Well Gerard, your life has been so chaotic in the past that your brain doesn't know how to handle when everything is good."


I got up and stormed out of the room. I walked outside of the building and felt the cold air hit me. And I started to run.

I didn't know where I was running, but I ran. I heard Frank yell behind me to come back, but I couldn't.

My feet cut through the road into the grass, and I ran into the woods.

I knew where I would go.

I ran till I got to a clearing, the same clearing Frank got stabbed. I remembered there was a cabin there.

The leaves cracked beneath my feet. I saw the cabin. I slowed down knowing that I had lost them and walked i the cabin. I hadn't actually been in it yet.

I reached for the knob of the door and turned it, pushing open the door.

It smelled nice in there. It smelled like old people and a campfire. I smiled.

I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me. It was really dark. REALLY dark.

I walked forward and found a lamp, flipping it on.

The room was nice. There was a couch and a fireplace, and a nice kitchen area.

I sat down on the couch and pulled out a cigarette. I rummaged through the side table next to the couch. In the drawer I found some matches.

I lit my cigarette and laid back on the couch.

The wind outside was cold, but the cabin had a warmth to it. This is what I needed.

I needed to be alone. I knew Frank was probably worrying about me, but I didn't care.

Honestly right now I don't care about anything. Everything goes wrong. I am a curse, franks life was going good and now sense he met me, he got STABBED.

I bring bad luck everywhere I go. I only see the worst sides to anything.

I don't need anybody. I don't need friends. I don't need family. I don't need doctors. Everything I will ever need is right inside me.

It's not only that I don't need anybody, they don't need me.

Imagine, if that car would have killed me.

Frank would not have got stabbed. I wouldn't have anxiety again.

But it's too late now.

After a while I put out my cigarette and threw it out, deciding to go through the cabin. Didn't Frank used to come here when he was little?

I walked into the kitchen area and opened up the drawer on the left.

Inside it was an envelope. On the backside it read,

'April 28th, 19**'

I opened it and pulled out a picture. It was 3 boys, sitting on that couch. Smiles were on there faces. They were roasting marshmallows from the fireplace.

They each had name tags.

The one on the right was Collin. He has a big smile on his face, the picture was a little blurry but you could still See the little crumbs on his face from the smores.

Next to Collin was Alex.

Alex looked just as happy as the first boy, and his hair was up into a whiff on the top of his head. Freckles were place like paint droplets across his face.

The last boy, I squinted to read the name tag, was....


Frank was next to them. His name written in sloppy writing. Franks hair was black and it ran across his face.

He had a sweatshirt on, unlike the other boys. He wasn't making smores. He had a pencil and crayons and a paper infront of him.

I couldn't see the picture as it was blurry. It looks like a drop of water got on the part of the picture. but whatever he was drawing he must have been working hard on.

He was staring at the drawing, his lip curling slightly and his eyes focusing on it.

I slipped the photo back into the envelope and closed it, putting it back into the drawer. I rummaged around, looking for a drawing, one that could have been the one Frank drew.

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