Chapter 26

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Today was the day. We were getting married. I sat with Mikey in the dressing room getting my suit on.

My face was red and I was really nervous.

"Mikey What If I mess up or embarrass myself?!" I said while buttoning my suit jacket.

Mikey patted my back and smiled at me.

"Everything's gonna be okay Gerard, this is a happy day remember." he was smiling still and I saw a tear in his eyes.

I took a deep breath and realized Mikey was going to walk me out in like 5 minutes. Obviously my Dad wasn't here and I didn't want him to be, so i was being walked down the isle by Mikey.

"It's time" he said grabbing my arm. I smiled to myself as Mikey lead me out of the room and out the doors.

Outside was a crowed of people. Ray, everybody from counseling class, Mr Letts, franks Mom, Bob, a few other people who were Franks relatives that I didn't know. My mom was here, she had flown in yesterday.

Then up the pathway, was Frank. He was standing next to the pastor, looking at me smiling.

Frank looked gorgeous. He was dressed up and his hair was slicked to one side.

He had this giant smile on his face that was so big he could end wars.

Mikey walked me up to Frank, and went and sat down in his spot. I stood there, in front of Frank.

His eyes were glowing and he took my hands. He mouthed, I love you to me and I blushed.

We had agreed no Vows. My anxiety would not let me get them out anyway without messing up or Crying. Frank understood though.

"Please put your rings on Each other at this time." The pastor said.

Frank pulled my hand up, and slid the ring on to my finger. I did the same.

The pastor said all of his blah, all I could focus on was Franks beautiful face. I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying until he said

"Gerard Way, Do you take Frank Iero as your Husband?"

"I do." I said squeezing Franks hand.

"Frank Iero, Do you take Gerard Way as your husband?"

Frank smiled.

"Yes I do. I do I do I do." Frank was staring into my eyes lovingly.

"You may kiss the groom!"

Frank leaned in to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me on the lips.

The crowed cheer as we pulled away and Frank Grabbed my hand, and walked me down the isle.

Hand in hand we walked down, his fingers were intertwined with mine in a way that made me tremble.

God, he made me tremble. And now he was mine forever.

As soon as we were out of sight and in the building Frank pulled me into a kiss. His lips seemed to fit perfectly with mine.

I didn't like the word forever. In fact I hated it. It scared me. Think, forever. Forever goes on without you. Even after your dead and gone, it's still forever.

But i didn't care so much when I was with Frank. He made five meaningless minutes feels like forever.

Frank fixed me. He helped me. I needed him, and I always will.

I want to have a family with him, get a dog, but a house.

I wanted to grow up and watch our kids grow up with him.

I wanted to grow old with him and watch the sunset when we have grey hair together.

Frank was like my lifeline. I needed him to live, breathe. Without him it felt like I couldn't go on. Like my Heart would just click off. And I couldn't have that.

Frank Iero brought me back to life.


Anyway, ;) don't worry I'm already on a new book Incase your wondering. There will be more information about everything in the authors note at the very end. Hold your frakin horses.

-Emily xxx

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