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Hey guys guess what i figured out what to write for one of them, GRUVIA. Im so proud of myself I will try to get this out asap but if i dont finish before i go to boston oh well. Oh and i just want to know do you guys want me to continue this story, tell me down in the comments please.

Oh and one more thing i gave almost all of the girls and boys their own houses cus boys arent aloud in girls dorms and such so i made believe they had houses.


(nobodys POV)

"Gray Sama, Gray sama" Juvia yelled " We shall go to Juvia's house, ok Gray sama" she finished while pulling his arm.

" Ok Ok Juvia you know you dont need to call me Gray sama" Gray said flatly "Wait Juvia...

"We are here Gray sama" She told him like her house wasnt spectacular.

Her house was as blue as the sky, and her windows were all tinted the color of the ocean. She also had a small pond out front with a small island in the middle.

"Wow" Gray breathed, her house was amazing, not huge but really cool, literally. Her house was cold, probably because there was water almost everywhere,though the floor was dry. Since it was late they were gonna go right to bed, juvia put on her normal pajamas (I dont know why i love that word) and Gray just stripped, making her blush. Then at last they tried to go to sleep, though she had a water bed. But not just any normal water bed, no it had fish.

" Hey Juvia" Gray asked

"What Gray sama, I mean Gray" She replied

"How many fish do you have in your water bed" He asked ( wow so romantic Gray.)

"what kind of question is that gray sama" she asked innocently

 "Dunno but i cant sleep and im really bored" he said bluntly

"Me too, lets just talk then" and with that they pretty much talked the rest of the night about random stuff until they fell asleep facing each other.


Sheesh i know some people wouldnt think this is late but it is ten oclock and i just got back from boston OMG so pooped, i saw some freaking kawaii fish, they were oso beautiful. In total we walked like 11 miles so sorry if this chapter has many typos (like my others dont anywway) Im just really pooped from everything i did. and since they are not my otp it is kind of hard to figure things out for them, unlike nalu, for some reason that just comes naturally.

syonara- Morgana

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