Chapter 29: Mall Fiasco

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I turn my head towards the sound of my name and smile at my fellow classmate, "Hi Ojiro!"

He gave me a soft smile and a small wave, "Hello, you wanna walk in together?"

I glance at the big building before turning back to the tailed boy, "Yeah, I don't see why not."

We walked in comfortable silence towards the meeting place in the mall before Ojiro spoke up.

"So, anything specific you need to buy?"

I hummed, trying to think of the things I needed before listing a few with my fingers, "Well, I gotta look for some shoes and clothes for training since the ones I have are all worn out."

His eyebrows raise in amusement, "You must train a lot then."

I nodded as I smiled at a child getting excited over a toy, "If I want to be strong then I have to try my hardest dont I? Because if the time comes and I'm too weak to continue, the only person I have to blame is me."

Ojiro smiled at me before looking ahead, "I know how you feel."

I watch as he laughs nervously while rubbing his neck and averting his eyes.

"I tend to have a lot of those times. When I'm too weak, I mean."

My eyebrows furrow slightly as I watch him degrade himself,

That's no good...

I speed up only to turn around and face Ojiro while I walk backwards. With a smile on my face I reassure him, "Well I think you're pretty strong, Ojiro!"

His eyes widen slightly before a bashful smile took over his lips, "Not as strong as you and Todoroki though."

I wave him off with my hand, "Dont compare yourself to others. It's not good for your mental health."

He sweatdropped at the wink I sent him before I continued.

"Plus your fighting style is pretty unique compared to the fighting styles everyone with more combative quirks have. And the best thing about being weak is that you only have one choice left to do."

He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly, "And what is that?"

I pointed at him with a cheeky smile, "Become stronger."

He went to say something but his eyes widened as he reached his hand out, "Y/n watch-"

Because I was walking backwards I failed to see a certain bird headed boy standing in the same path as me.



I rubbed my butt in slight pain, "Ow..."

"Are you okay?"

My eyes spot a hand in front of my face and my gaze trails up to see another one of my classmates, "Yeah. Sorry about that Tokoyami. I seriously need to watch where I'm going."

A small smile formed on his face as he helped me up, "Its quite alright."

A slightly heavy weight was placed on my back causing me to look back and see a hyper pink skinned girl with a big smile planted on her face, "Hi Y/n!"

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