Chapter 26: Practice Part 2

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Written exam day 2

Exams were over for the day and I was walking to the training center with todays group; Mina, Sero, Aoyama, Iida, Bakugo, Koda, and Tsu.

I explain the slightly different rules to them as we stretch and warm up, "Two people will be with me while the rest of you guys do some simple hand to hand combat. The only people who are allowed to use their quirks are the people that are with me. There is one person I have in mind that will not be in pairs, but you'll find out why. Make sense?"

Mina and Sero give me an enthusiastic, "Yes mam!"

While Koda, Tsu, and Aoyama nod silently, Bakugo, being the tsundere he is, growls, "I didn't even want to do this stupid shit. I don't need help from a weak bitch like you!"

To which Iida replies with a lecture about how I was kind enough to help everyone and how Bakugo was being disrespectful before turning to me and thanking me in a very polite manner.

I laughed at the interaction before accepting their thanks and beginning my lesson because I've weirdly turned into a more productive version of Aizawa, "Okay I'll have Mina and Sero first!"

They both celebrate before walking towards me and getting into a fighting position.

I give them the same stern look I have Kirishima, "All you have to do is immobilize me or force me to surrender. You've got 10 minutes. Ready?"

They nodded with determined expressions.

I hid a smirk, amused with their reactions, and signaled everyone to begin.

The battle starts with Sero shooting his tape at me and Mina using her quirk to enhance her speed and mobility.

I quickly dodge Sero's tape by backflipping away and once my hands touched the ground I created pillars right next to Mina and Sero trying to use the same move that I used with Tokoyami.

They're quirks, however, allowed them to dodge right before they were hit. A little distracted with trying to dodge, they both end up dodging the same way causing their bodies to collide.

I take this as an opening and place my hands on the floor once more before activating Wood Restore, creating another pillar in between the two only for them to dodge once more.

"I didn't think she'd be this much trouble!"

Sero nodded at Mina's statement, "I always had a feeling she was holding back, but either we're just weak or she is seriously more powerful than we thought!"

"Woah! Take it easy!" Mina yelled at me as she almost got taken out by a wooden pillar.

The two continued to dodge before Mina finally got irritated and started using her quirk to retaliate against my quirk.

A small smirk appears on my face as they manage to finally use the wood to their advantage. Sero using the pillars as a boost for his quirk and Mina finally finding a way to stop the pillars successfully.

They grinned at me and Mina spoke up first, "We've gotten used to your quirk, Y/n! Now it's our turn!"

I stood up from my crouching position and looked at them, unfazed, with a small smile, "Is that so?"

Both of them shuddered from my calm state before Sero started to talk to Mina in a slightly nervous state, "Oi...Mina, isn't she supposed to be scared? I've got a bad feeling..."

"It doesn't matter! We'll prove her wrong!" Mina goes to step forward, probably trying to engage close combat with me, but she stops at the sound of my voice.

Hero's & villains? Never heard of it bnha/mha x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora