Chapter 1: A New Quirk

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It's been two years since I've gone with the man who killed my family. Over those two years I've been training. Training to get stronger, training to get a better quirk.

I figured out that the villain's name from that name was "All for One". When we left he introduced me to other villains who helped train me and take care of me. The two main villains that were by my side most of the time were Kurogiri and Tomura.

During my training I've learned hand to hand combat, battle strategies, and more about the world. I've also learned more about my quirk and how to use it more efficiently.

Turns out my quirk is more alike to my mothers than I thought. I can store things in an alternate space and summon them later. I have to touch them to store them though and my powers only go up to wooden things.

So no matter how hard I try I can't summon anything other than wooden. All that time wasted and all those beatings for nothing.

Anyways, my quirk is called, Wood Restore.

All for One has planned for me to be bestowed a powerful quirk after 2 more years of training.

I'm very grateful to him and all the other villains, they're like family to me. Way better than the last one.

Isn't it funny? My last family were "heroes" and they treated me like shit, meanwhile my current family are "villains" and they treat me waaayy better.

Oh how cruel reality is...


Two more years have passed and my knowledge has increased humongously. I've studied various of things, from quirks to first aid. I've also managed to learned how to use different weapons too. And I'm only 11 years old...can you believe it?

Anyway I'm heading to All for One's office right now to speak about the whole 'new quirk' situation. I've gotten pretty good with the quirk I've got right now, some might say I'm a pro at handling my Wood Restore. But All for One insists I get a better quirk. I have no idea how he plans on "giving me" a quirk but I'm not complaining.

Even though this society is fucked up I still wanna protect people from getting harmed.

Why is it fucked up? Oh I don't know, maybe because your determined wether your a villain or a hero based on your quirk.

Maybe because people separate the world into three categories, villains, hero's, and quirkless. Or maybe it's because people look down on you if you don't have a quirk, much less a weak one. There's many other reasons on why society is fucked up such as bullying, criticism, judging, abandoning, murder, abuse...both emotionally and physically.

The heroes don't try to stop those things though.

They only focus on the big problems, the ones that get the most publicity. Ya know, the "top villain" cases, the "villain on rampage" situations, things that make them popular. Events that make them look good.

Damn bastards. As much as I hate them they do save people from harm which I can respect but they turn a blind eye on those who are suffering the most. The ones who are suffering silently, in the dark where no one can see...if only they tried.

I sigh as I enter All for Ones office ready to start talking about my new quirk.

*timeskip: after the meeting*                               

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