I then exited the app, and got out of bed. I got dressed in a black best and pants, then walked out and down the stairs.


The funeral went just like Aradia's, his family members giving speeches an some of his close friends as well.

I saw Dave there, and I greeted him afterwards.

"Hey," I said, walking up to him. He turned to face me, and nodded in response.

"Sup," he replied, we both then stood there.

"So, how was your night?" He asked after a long pause, I then shrugged.

"Alright I guess, I only had one nightmare." I replied with, he then grabbed my hands. His face lighting up with the news.

"That's grea-"

"I wasn't finished," I butted in, his face then went back to normal.

"I didn't get anymore sleep last night, and if that continues I might get insomnia and my grades will fail." I finished, Dave then let go of my hands. He turned away from me slightly and put a hand on his chin, he then turned back to me.

"You could get some of those sleeping pills,"

"That's not the problem, I can get to sleep fine. Its the bloody nightmares which are preventing me from getting to sleep, I'm scared." I said, Dave then placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You should face your fears."

"There are dead people, Dave! It seems too fucking real," I replied, Dave then groaned as if his mind was fucking up.

"I'm sorry, I can't think of anything." he said, I then nodded.

"Maybe ask Feferi, you seem to be on great terms with her." He suggested, I then nodded again.

"I should probably ask her now if I can, so see you." I said whilst walking away from him.

"Good luck," he said, I then smiled. I then scanned the churches radius, please still be here Feferi.

I then spotted her, and I quickly ran up to her.

"Fef!" I said, she then turned to glance at me. She placed a finger up as to imply she was to be a second, in which I nodded.

She turned around to face the guy she was currently talking to, and said something to end the conversation. The man said something then waved goodbye, she did the same then walked up to me.

")(ey, my fis)(y friend!" She said happily, I then chuckled softly at her nickname for me. But my face then grew serious, this wasn't a time for laughter.

"Feferi, I have to tell you something very important." I said, she then made a glubbing sound in response.

"Ok, I have been having nightmares." I said, Feferi's breath then hitched.

"About what?" She asked inquisitively, I then took a breath.

"About death, dying. All of my friends dying," I said frantically, grabbing onto both of her arms and shaking her softly. Her eyes widened as she gently pried my fingers off her, she then held my hand within both of hers.

Like a sandwich, and hand sandwich.

"Do they show how Tavros and Aradia died?" She asked, I then nodded.

"And more, it's as if my mind is a one way portal to the land of the deceased." I said, Feferi then nodded. Her eyes showing a worried expression, as if she knew something was happening.

"I'll have to talk to the others about this," she said as her voice grew serious all of a sudden, I nodded. She then quickly ran off towards Sollux, her eyes wide with concern.

Feferi's POV:

Oh cod, oh cod!

At first I thought Aradia's and Tavros's deaths were just a coincidence, but it seems not.

I ran towards Sollux, he must have some kind of idea what (F/n) is.

Is she some kind of prophet..?

Or, I'd hate to admit it... But glitch?

All those thoughts swam through my mind as off they were a school of fish, swimming away from a predator in perfect harmony.

I came to an abrupt stop in front of Sollux, he was staring at me as if he was ready for some sort of news.

"(F/n) )(as been )(aving dreams," I said, Sollux then smirked slightly.

"About what, a 2hiirtle22 2triider perhap2?" He snickered, I then shook my head in no.

"Sollux, t)(is is a very serious matter. S)(e )(as been )(aving dreams about us dying," Sollux's bicolored eyes then widened.

"You've got two bee fuckiing wiith me, riight?"

"I'm not Sollux, and I'm starting to fear for t)(e well being of our friends." I left out the fish pun, hoping for him to realise that this was really fucking important and that he'd better listen up.

He then nodded obediently and led me over to a seat, we both sat down.

"Tell me everythiing,"


I'm baaaaaaaack.

Did you miss me? Probs not.

Yeah, you and Dave bonding over some nightmares and shit. That's how you flirt right there, I think.

As you can see the most intimate thing I've ever done with a person is hug them.

And shit happens next chapter, just lettin you know.

Anyway have a good day! Woo!

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now