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After we ended that chat, I realised the time was nearly 8:00am. Well, I could probably get out of bed now. I crawled out, then walking over to my closet. Grabbing the closest thing to me, I slid it onto my body. The walking out of my room and down the stairs, jumping onto the couch.

I then turned the TV on, which had that weird ass show called 'Squiddles' on. I changed the channel, resulting in one of those infomercials. Meh, I could live with it at least.

The man was trying to sell this smoothie maker, which wasn't really a smoothie maker. It was also a juicer and blender and whatever the fuck it was. It probably wasn't even a smoothie maker, ugh whatever.

I turned the TV off, because that ad was completely absurd. I then walked into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast, some toast to be specific.

I then made myself some toast, and ate it. What else would I do with it? Kick it down the stairs? I don't think so.

I then waited for John and Dad to wake up, why was I so eager to get to school.

Timeskip whoop:

Well, I just got out of the car. John was already at the gates, somehow. So I had to run to catch up with him, I then got to his side. Panting slightly.

"How the hell, did you get here so fast." Man I was out of shape, I need to get to the gym sometime.

"How the hell are you tired already?" He teased, I then rolled my eyes.

"Haha," I said sarcastically, John then smirked. We both then walked inside, resulting in the usual before bell madness. We somehow managed to find Dave and Terezi in the craziness, so we walked over to a seat.

Sitting down next to Terezi, she instantly started up a conversation. I don't know what about though, I wasn't really listening. Looking around the table, I saw that Terezi had gotten a slight haircut. Not caring about my manners, I instantly butted in.

"Did you get a new haircut?" I asked, Terezi then turned to me.

"WHY Y3S, 1 D1D. YOU WOULD KNOW TH4T 1F YOU W3R3 L1ST3N1NG," she said, almost as if she were making fun of me.

"Fuck you too," I said, placing my face on the table. Terezi then chuckled and continued whatever the fuck she was saying.

Then after a bit, I felt something kick my leg. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked underneath the table, just the usual legs.

I then shrugged and continued doing whatever I was doing, which was resting my head on the table.

I then felt it again, someone was kicking me. I looked under the table again and soon realised it was Dave, of course it was Dave. Who else could hit my legs from the front. John was sitting diagonally to me, so if he was hitting me he must've some kind of stretchy leg power. Same with Terezi, so I did the most mature thing possible.

I hit him back.

I soon felt it again, and I hit him again. It then continued for a bit, until I looked up at him. His face was leaving on the palm of his hand, looking straight at me.

And I don't know why, but I felt my cheeks burn up. Trying to play it cool, I imitated him. Only resulting in us staring at each other, occasionally kicking each other under the table.

After about 10 minutes of that, I heard the bell ring. I took my hand off my palm and turned to grab my bag. But in the spilt second of looking down towards my bag, I saw him wink at me.


What was he trying to accomplish.

I felt my cheeks get hot again, put put it off. Then grabbing my bag and moving away from my seat, I then set off to my first class. Which was English, and guess who with?

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя