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A day had passed, and life wasn't progressing anywhere.

Of course my future was going somewhere, most likely in a straight line to the dark abyss of death but it was going somewhere.

I was laying on Dave's bed, my hands behind my head, and my eyes locked on the ceiling.

I was thinking about a large multitude of things. Those things mostly consisting of Dav-

I then felt a vibration from my pocket.

I grabbed my phone, typed in my password and opened pester chum.

My blood ran cold.

arachnidsGrip [AG] began pestering (chumHandle) [CH] at 11:46am

AG: Well look who's alive.


Fuckfuckfuck, I should've known that she'd of recognised me.

CH: Hey Vriska.
AG: Goodmorning (F/n).
AG: Did you reeeeeeeeally think that I didn't see you yesterday?
CH: I took my chances.
AG: Well the luck just wasn't in your favour was it?
CH: Of course it wasn't, you had snatched it all into your pocket.
AG: Could'nt have said it 8etter myself.
AG: As it is quite evident that I have aaaaaaaall the luck.
CH: Yes, yes, very much so. Now what do you want.
AG: To have a nice chat of course.
AG: You think I'm a heartless 8itch? We need to catch up! How's it 8een on your side of town.
CH: Pretty chill.
CH: And you of course.
AG: Oh fun, fun, and more fun.
AG: Ugh, I h8 to say it 8ut that was all sarcasm.
CH: What's happened?
AG: You see, that's the pro8lem, nothing's happened!
AG: No8odies died, no8odies done anything!
AG: Just 8ullshit school as per usual.
CH: And that's the reason I saw you skipping it yesterday?
AG: Correctomundo.
CH: Who was that anyway?
AG: Who was what?
AG: Oh! Yes, that was Meenah, Feferi's sister.
AG: She's so cooooooool!
CH: She sure looked the part.
AG: She's got a tattoo!
AG: When I'm older I'm going to get one with her.
CH: What design are you thinking about getting?
AG: I'm thinking something nautical, she likes the ocean.
CH: Heh.
AG: Whaaaaaaaat! >::::/
CH: Sounds like someone's got a crush.
AG: I do not!
CH: Oh the sweet taste of denial.
AG: Oh shut up, as if I couldn't see that little thing you had for Strider.
CH: Oh please I hated him at the time.

I still do sometimes.

AG: He's got a total crush on you, you know.
CH: Oh I've found that out already.
AG: Oh, you have hmm? ;;;;)
CH: Mhm.
AG: Oh do tell, do tell.
CH: Well we may or may not be dating.
AG: *gasp* No way!
CH: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
AG: Well he had to get over Terezi at some point.
CH: Ooh, he was dating Terezi at one point was he?
AG: Oh yes indeed.
CH: Damn.
AG: Shit.
CH: What?
AG: H8 to leave you hanging 8ut I've go to go, mums 8eing a 8itch.
CH: Ah, well, nice to talk to someone new every once in a while.
AG: Oh please as if I'm new.
AG: We were gr8 friends back then!
CH: I guess we were.
AG: Anyway, 8ye.
CH: Bye bye.

arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased pestering (chumHandle) [CH] at 12:01pm

That went better than I expected it to.

Dave's POV:

As for it was now lunch, I was looking for Karkat.

I needed to fucking know why (F/n) slapped him yesterday, and then I was going to cry laughing.

I was leaning against the wall of the canteen, where I was going to get the most ranged view of the school.

It wasn't much but people often crossed through this area to get to other places.

After 5 minutes of searching I saw that shit.

"AYE KARKAT!" I yelled, running over to him. He turned to look at me, but as soon as his eyes landed on me he bolted.

I groaned and started running after him.

Fuck you Karkat.

Karkats POV:


Why did he need this information.

I wasn't sure what information exactly, but I was guessing he wanted to know what happened with (F/n).

So I bolted.

Bye bitch.

Time skip:

Dave's POV:

"I SWEAR TO GOD KARKAT!" I yelled at him. We were now running through some random corridor of the school, and I was getting tired. I could see Karkat beginning to slow down, but I wasn't gaining on him at all.

He was unbelievably fast for a kid who didn't do any form of exercise whatsoever.

As Karkat turned a corner, I sighed, knowing that there was now a possibility I could lose him.

But as I turned the corner I fucking laughed.

Karkat had run into a dead end.

"EAT SHIT MAGGOT!" I laughed.

Karkat casually turned to me, a hand on his hip.

"What the fuck do you want on this fine morning?

"Oh you know what I want," I said, myself getting closer with each step.

Karkat looked like he was about to say something, but his lips instantly closed shut and his eyes widened.

Realising how close I was I stepped back slightly, and then looked behind me.

There was my history teacher.

Her eyes locked with mine, and she smiled at me.

"Sorry if I was interrupting something.." She said as she turned on her heel and walked down the corridor she came from.

Well at least she had some decency to leave us alon-

Wait what am I thinking.

This is Karkat.

"Ok, well, back to what I was saying. What happened with (F/n)?"

"You sound like a really overprotective boyfriend right now you do realise that right," Karkat said, I then thought about the last sentence that came out of my mouth.

"So it does," I replied with, and smirked.

"But why the FUCK would she slap you," I asked, my voice cracking with laughter.

"Why do you need to know,"

"So I can make fun of you for getting owned,"

"Well that's all the reason why I'm not going to fucking tell you,"

"Oh come on dude,"

"My lips are sealed,"

"Oh are you sure about that?" I said as I took a step closer.

"What are you doing,"

"I won't do it if you tell me,"

"What are you going to fucking do,"

I took another step.

"Get away from me,"

"Tell me what happened,"


I took another step, I was now I'm arms reach of him.


I then picked him up.



"AUGH DAVE FUCKING STOP!" Karkat yelled as he punched my back lightly.

I smirked slightly and twirled him around a few times.



Oh god I love this.

But yeah idk why but I wrote two chapters today, I'm a ninja.

So, have a chill day, don't die out there.

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora