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"Don't take those pills," I hissed.


"No buts, just trust me."

"How do I even know who you are,"

"You said my name earlier, did you not?"

"Yes, however for all I know you could be copying her voice." She whispered, I then sighed. I gradually floated down from the roof and landed on the pavement. I then stepped into the dim alleyway light.

"Oh my god, you really are her." Kanaya gasped, her eyes widening as she placed her hands on her mouth. Dropping the drugs on the ground.


"But I have taken these pills before," her voice cracking, was she about to cry..?

"Hey, hey. Kanaya, it's okay.." I whispered soothingly.

She then completely broke down, crying and all.

"I am so sorry," she choked out, I then awkwardly walked over and patted her back.

"It's ok," I whispered again, rubbing her back.

"I am a terrible person!" She said, beginning to sniffle and look up at me.

"You're not a terrible person, these things happen."

"Why do I keep buying these?!"

"People get addicted to this, it's not easy to quit." I could see her lips start to move, but nothing came out. She just sat there sobbing quietly.

Dave's POV:

I had walked home, and I was going to ask (F/n) on a date. Like a proper date, with fancy food and all that bullshit.

I wanted to take her somewhere, seeing that the only times that she goes outside is when I take her onto the roof.

I walked up the last of the stairs, and then opened the door to my apartment.

I walked through the kitchen and then into my room.

"So, haha. (F/n-" I then cut myself off when I couldn't see her in the room.

"(F/n)?" I asked, looking around the room. I then felt a wave of panic wash over me.

"(F/n)?!" I yelled, swinging open the closet and rummaging through every hiding place in my room really.

Where could she be?!

I pulled the covers off the bed, and I heard a loud bang coming from the wall.

Shit, was that her phone?

I clambered over to the area I heard the noise come from, however that wasn't her phone.

It was some kind of tablet that I hadn't seen before.

Where had that come from..?

But who cares about that fight now. Where the shit is (F/n)?!

She wasn't in my room that's for sure.

I ran out of the room again, and then pulled out my phone. I quickly messaging her.

turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering (chumHandle) [CH] at 3:12pm

TG: (F/n) where are you.
TG: If you can't tell I'm fucking serious and I'm genuinely worried about you.
TG: (F/n)?!
TG: Oh mY GO

I then dropped my phone.

My eyes widened as it bounced down the stairs, I could hear the glass shattering already.

"FUCK!" I screamed running down them, trying to save my precious phone. It had stopped falling about a quarter of the way down, and fucking hell.

The screen was completely shattered, and I couldn't do shit.

I yelled in frustration, then picked it up. I then started running back down the stairs again.

"(F/n)!" I kept yelling, but there was never a reply.

Readers POV:

Kanaya had calmed down somewhat, and she had gotten off the floor.

"Thank you, (F/n)." She said, her voice still a little wobbly.

"Don't mention it Kan,"

"I, I'll be going now."

"Ok, but give me those, things." I said, holding my hand out. She seemed reluctant but eventually handed them over.


"It's all okay, now I shall be going." She whispered, waving to me and hurriedly walking out of the alleywa-

"(F/N)" I heard someone yell, and that yelling sounded an awful lot like Dave.

"Oh fuck me," I sighed, realising that this 'mission' had probably taken longer than I expected it to.

I walked out of the alley way and chucked the things into a nearby dumpster. I didn't really want to know what Kanaya was taking, so that's really the best I could do.

The yelling got a bit louder as I neared the apartment block, but then I sighed.

I walked out into the sun, in which Dave probably would notice me fairly easy in.

I waited for a little bit, but nothing happened. I turned to the side and saw him looking the other fucking direction.

I sighed, and walked up behind him. I tapped his shoulder and he turned towards me, a look of panic on his face.

A wave of relief washed over his face and immediately enveloped me in a hug. Oh shit that was tight.

"Oh my god I was fucking worried!" He whispered harshly.

"Well I'm fine,"

"I broke my phone for you,"

"Wait what,"

"My phones shattered," he said, letting go of me and taking a completely smashed phone out of his pocket.

"Oh fuck,"

"Yeah I kno-"

"We should probably go inside," I said hurriedly, realising the time. I didn't need anymore people knowing I was out here.

Kanaya and Vriska already knew, who knows how long until they tell someone.



But, I think it's only for fun. It's not a serious fanfiction like this, well maybe it is idk.

But feel free to check it out, It's on my profile.

((Totally not self advertising pfft no))



Honhonhon. =w=

But have a good day, please don't stay up till all hours writing fanfiction.

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now