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Thanks to all who voted! By the time I'm typing this Dave was winning by a slight margin, so sorry to all who asked for Karkat.

My mind kept leaning towards Dave, and I don't know why.

I sighed, soon realising that if I was to stay with him I'd get the opportunity to work on my 'vision'. Well, agh. Dave seemed the right way to go, so it was decided.

"Dave," I raised my voice, I heard him hum in response.

"I'm gonna stay with you," I said, I then heard Dave shrug. Like physically shrug, I could hear it. Not many people can hear shrugging, dear reader.

"Ok then," he replied, I then smiled.

"Thanks bro," I said, but then I chuckled slightly.

"Karkat, I need to work on my eyesight with Dave for the moment. But I promise we'll still get to chill," I said, opening my eyes to look at him. He was scowling, so I held out a hand.

He reluctantly shook it, and then I pulled him into a hug. He seemed pissed off at the gesture, so I laughed. But then I pulled back, because I didn't want it to end up being awkward.

"Welp," I said, waiting around for someone to say something. I then remembered that I would have to buy clothes.

"Guys, clothes time!" I yelled, my hand pointing towards the sky.

I heard Karkat groan in annoyance, but I just smirked.

"You don't have to come if you want," I chuckled, but Karkat just sighed.

"My dad and Kankri will probably go fuck shit crazy on my ass if they heard I was wagging school," he mumbled, and I just grinned.

"Ok, well then. Let's go, shall we?" I said, myself swivelling around and walking towards the shopping district.

Time skip:

Well, I couldn't even look at people down the street. I guess I should've been suspecting that I guess.. But, we had arrived at the shopping part of town, and we walked into a clothing shop.

They sold all kinds of jeans, t-shirts, dresses, you name it. I began looking around the place, and I had taken an interest in these lovely red jeans. Like shit they were real denim like wOAHH, but still they were like $60 so no way am I paying for that.

Maybe I could steal them someho-

"Hello! Can I help you today miss?" Some woman said from behind me. I smiled and turned around, about to politely say 'no thanks'. But that's when I remember that I can't look at people.

So I instantly close my eyes, my hands moving to my face.

"Oh god are you ok miss?!" She asked in a worrisome tone. I then laughed slightly.

"Aha, yeah I'm fine. Just a-"

"She has the occasional migraine, I'm sorry for worrying you." I heard Dave say, as his hands placed them selves on my shoulders.

"Oh, ok. She should take some medication," the woman advised, I then nodded slightly.

"She will, won't you (F/n)?" I heard him say, I then nodded again.

"I was going to head to the pharmacy after this shop in fact, so it's all good." I murmured, I then heard the woman him in response.

"Ok, well. Hope you get better," I heard her say, footsteps indicating that she had left.

"Jesus fuck are you ok?" I heard Dave ask, I then nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. She just, had more 'vivid', deaths." I mumbled, my hands leaving my face.

"Are we fucking leaving yet, augh this is fucking BORI-" I heard Karkat groaning, but his voice cut off.

"Is she ok?" He asked Dave, he then probably nodded or something.

"I accidentally looked at some lady, and yeah.." I said, chuckling slightly. But I soon opened my eyes slightly, seeing no one in front of me. I squinted to eventually look at Karkat, his expression looking as one of boredom.

His gaze then looked down to me and his eyebrows raised, as if they were asking 'what the fuck do you want'. I just grinned slightly.

Time skip:

So, at the end of the day. I had bought some cheapish clothes. We had said good bye to Karkat, and we were now walking to Dave's house.

"So, how was that?" He asked,

"How was what?" I replied with.

"The day, did you enjoy it?"

"Well, it was fun. Karkat was funny,"

"Mhm? Anything else?"


"Maybe a thank you?" He suggested, I then remembered.

"Oh god I do not have any manners! Thank you Dave for buying me this stuff," I said sheepishly, chuckling lightly.

"No problem, creamsicle."

"Fuck off, pumpkin." I laughed, punching him in the arm.

"Oh come on! Your nick names suck ASS, at least try cherry pie." He smirked, I then felt my face heating up.

"Cupcake icing,"




Soz I'm like really obsessed with Queen right now. Idk why.

So yeah you and Dave are getting it ON.

Whoop whoop *rave party starts*.

Anyway have a great day, I wish you a very nice breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. Hope the food you eat is tasty.

Nightmares (Dave x reader x Karkat) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora