Friday - The Visit

Start from the beginning

"I see"

"You have something other than the trip to the city planned hon?" Xael was resting her head on his shoulder.

"Me and Skylar need to head back into town for a bit and he's going to help me put all the stuff together that we got the other day."

"Oh!" Xael got up and took the magnetic pad and pencil off the fridge and started on a list. "I want chocolate chips for cookies, vanilla extract, yeast....Grams!!"

Xael dropped the pencil she was writing with. "We totally forgot butter!"

"We did!"

Xael got up and got one of the coolers from the back room and about 6 of the large ice packs from the deep freezer. Skylar just shook his head.

"How much do you want them to get Grammy?"

"Hmmm...I have 3 jars left from last winter so...Did you get any jelly jars Xael?"

"Yes, I sat them on the bottom shelf with the rest of them empty jars. I got 5 cases."

"Perfect, I'll say 15 pounds."

Xael quickly added that to the list. "Okay handsome, here's the list for costco and the cooler to put the butter in."

"Anything else...I don't want to make anymore trips to the city anytime soon."

"Oh! Pick up 2 of the rotisserie chickens! That'll be dinner for tonight." Ms. Emma was glad that they wouldn't have to cook that much.

"Ah!" Xael scribbled more onto the paper then went to her bag in the bedroom. Back in the kitchen, she handed Adam the list along with 4, $100 bills and her Costco card. He looked over the list.

(4) Chocolate chip -toll house
(2) Fleischmann's Yeast
(2) 16 oz Organic Vanilla extract
(15) Boxes of Organic Grass fed butter - Tolbert's brand ONLY
(4) Rotisserie chickens
(7) Packs of ribs - Tolbert farm brand only
(3) Brats
(1) 5lb bag of organic lemons and potatoes
(3) Organic burger buns
(2) Hotdog buns

"What's all this other stuff!!" Adam had a million frowns in his face.

"Uhh...Hello! It's for the cook out we're having Sunday!"

Skylar flicked Adam on the head and laughed as he reached for the cooler. "Don't worry Pupkins, I'll make sure he doesn't forget anything."

"Thanks Unc. Let me get the other cooler just in case."

"What about getting pop and chips?"

"You can if you want hon, I was going to make tea and lemonade."

"Okay. Are you sure you don't need anything else?!"

Xael just walked up to him and gave him a peck and rubbed noses with him again, shutting him up. In a very loving way. "I need for you two to be careful in the city and to make it back safely."

Adam gave her another kiss and bopped her on the nose. He took the cooler and the two Alphas headed out.

Xael sat next to her grams and rested her head on the table. Her Grams stroked her hair.

"What's wrong my little Pup?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired.  Adam's putting me into heat. I think my wolf Grandmother told him how to use his healing powers."

"Ohhh..I see. Is it working?"

"I don't know, I feel better, but it's putting me into heat a lot sooner."

"Yeah, we noticed you've been sleeping more."

"You mind if I zip off for a bit. I think I need to talk to my other Grams."

"Sure dear!"

Xael went to change into a robe and onto the back deck. Her pups were now done eating and watched as she shifted and ran into the woods. They were right behind her. Getting closer to the others, she slowed her pace, her boys right beside her she was greeted by some of the Alphas that acted as guards. Even though she was bigger than them, she still respected their positions and bowed her head. One of the Spirit wolf Alpha's approached her, it was Taza. He gently nuzzled her to welcome her and led her to the rest of them. Her boys went off with some of the others but she didn't think anything of it. Xael already knew that they spent time with them when they were outside.

She walked over to her Grandparents, head lowered, she nuzzled the both.

{A surprise visit by the little one! So you've finally come for answers huh?}

{Yes sir.}

{Good, I knew you would once you found your Alpha.  Come with us Pup.}

Xael followed her Grandparents to clearing on one of the hilltops. There, it seemed the Elders already knew what her questions were. They told her what she truly was, a hybrid, and the only one of her kind. That's why the wolves were extra protective of her. A lot of what they told her was a little hard for her to believe. Ja'an, her Grandmother also let her know that because she was part Spirit Wolf, that her Alpha was able to help her heal. Xael now knew what Adam had been trying to do. Her Grandmother told her that when he was doing it, to just relax and allow it to work.

Her Grandfather let her know that they would always be there for her whenever she had questions and that she could link them as well. He also remarked about how her boys would grow into fine Pack Alphas, she had raised them well. Xael was a little choked up at the compliment but mostly because that meant them leaving her side. She knew it would happen one day, but she didn't want it to be today. Before she left, Ja'an let her know that she and her Alpha had a very long life ahead of them. Longer than most. If she ever wanted to talk that she could link her in the dream world, that would be easier for Xael. She nuzzled them again before she left and headed back towards the tree line. On the way there she came upon Taza again and nuzzled him also. The two of them would always be connected on some level due to Xael healing him. She inquired about her boys and Taza let her know they were fine and would be sent back in a few hours.

Xael didn't know it until now, but Taza had taken her boys under his paw and was training them on what they needed to know and have to be successful Pack leaders. She thanked him and headed back to her Grams. No matter what happened, she would always be connected to her boys. Xael also had to smile at the fact that Adam was trying so hard to use his healing ability. She already knew what he was trying to heal.

Reaching the house, she transformed and went inside to start her day.

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