Chapter 1: Problems

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3rd person POV-


That word was imprinted into shouyou's mind. They repeat themselves each day, hour, minute, and second.

Hinata is currently just laying in bed, blood-shot eyes, thinking about everything that has happened to him. 2 years ago, His parents died in a tragic accident. He was only left with Natsu. It hurt him knowing that, his parents, the ones who loved him even if he was Gay. Some people may have gotten over it if it would be their parents, but Hinata was different. He was still upset and hurt.

He luckily managed to live without the warmth of his parents still, knowing he's running out of money to pay bills. Recently, he had to skip half of volleyball practice to look for a part time job, and of course no one knows this side of Hinata. At least that's what Hinata thinks.
The whole team noticed how weird, Hinata had been acting. He always came in practice late, heavy bags under his eyes, and how he was always leaving practice early, coming up with some unbelievable excuse. What they do know is Hinata's parents death. The rest they don't know. Like how Hinata gets bullied, or how he suffers with his baby sister and bills. But they all suspect it, but won't approach it yet. They don't want to pressure Hinata.

Hinata's POV-

I slowly looked to the side to see  my alarm clock screeching. I groaned and got out of up. I didn't get a blink of sleep. I trudged out of bed slowly.

Once I made my way to the kitchen I noticed that Natsu was watching TV, I sighed and went to grab ingredients to make breakfast. Eggs, pancake really the only things we have?... I sighed once more, "Natsu!" I yelled out, closing the fridge. I heard small footsteps behind me.

"Yes?" She answered, I turned around and crouched down to her level, "Natsu can you stay alone? I don't want to risk anyone finding out about us living alone. It could separate us. So I'm gonna trust you, or should I leave you kageyama?" I asked placing a hand on her shoulder. "I wanna go with kageyama please! I want company with me!" She smiled.
I smiled back and ruffled her hair, "Okay, we'll go get dressed, I'm gonna make breakfast and we'll head over to kageyamas! He won't mind, he also told me he won't be busy at all." I said smiling and getting back up

-Time skip because I don't feel like writing out the whole thing-

Once we both finished breakfast, I quickly went upstairs and put on a shirt, jeans and shoes. I didn't feel like brushing out my hair, I once again, quickly went back into the kitchen and grabbed my phone and Natsu. "Let's go to kageyamas!" I shouted happily

Once we got to kageyamas, I quickly knocked on his door waiting for him to open it.
Once it opened, kageyama looked confused of why I was there. I guess anyone would be confused of why someone was knocking on their door.

"Hinata? What are you doing here? I have someone over" Kageyama said looking a bit annoyed. "Oh, I was just wondering if you could've took care of Natsu when I was out, but it seems like your busy, So Bye kagey-" I was interrupted by Kageyama slamming the door in my face,

"Rude..." I mumbled out. I began making my way to the store. I brought along my sister because I had no one else to take care of her.

On the way there, I spotted a familiar pudding head, I smiled and ran to him with my little sister on my head.

"Hey Kenma!" I yelled out catching his attention. "Oh, Hey shoyo.." Kenma said softly, waving.

"What are you doing here? Don't you live far?" I asked confused.
"I took the train to come and look for kuroo, He said he went to visit tsukishima but he hasn't come back yet." He said looking at me.
"I know where Tsukishima lives! I can take you there!" I exclaimed.

"But Brother, we were supposed to go the store" I heard Natsu speak up. I completely forgot I had her on my head- how do I forget? I don't know. "Well, let's pay tsukishima a visit first, okay?" I asked her, putting her down. She nodded her head and all of us began walking towards his house.

-Time Skip to where they arrive at Tsukishima's House-

Once we got here, I saw yamaguchi there waiting at the door, "Hey yamaguchi! What are you doing here?" I asked him as he turned around. "Oh, Tsukki was supposed to meet me at the park but he wasn't there so I decided to come and see what was holding him up, what about you, Kenma and mini you?" He asked smiling. I chuckled at Natsu's nickname, "I came to lead Kenma to where Tsukishima Lives because, apparently Kuroo is here" As soon as I said that, I saw Kenma walk inside. My sweat dropped as I followed him inside, the other two right behind me.

"Uh....Kenma! Are you sure we sho-" I cut myself off once I saw Kuroo and Tsukishima. They were making out-

-3rd Person POV-

Yamaguchi was shocked and upset at this, god..I'm such an idiot for believing his words...I should've known. He would've never actually like me....

"Tadashi-" Tsukishima started but was cut off by yamaguchi, "don't even start. I should've known better than to actually believe that you would've loved me...what is it? What's wrong with me? Is it my freckles? My face? My clingy personality!? What is it Tsukishima!?!" Yamaguchi yelled, his voice cracking a bit. "I swear Yamaguchi, it isn't-" Tsukishima started but was once again cut off. This time by Kenma, "Really Kuroo? You knew Tsukishima had a boyfriend, but you decided to go and ruin it? Keep your horny acts in check." Kenma said covering Natsu's eyes, since both of them were half naked. Hinata was shocked at this whole issue but decided to speak up, "Tsukishima, I never actually took you for a cheating type but then again, people aren't always they seem. Let's go guys" Hinata said sighing at the end. Hinata picked up Natsu still covering her eyes. "And for godsake, please put on clothes once you see a child enter." Hinata said looking back at them, he turned back around and closed the door on his way out.

This world is too much, and I don't wanna deal with this drama during practice on Monday... Thought yamaguchi, he sighed and waved goodbye at the three and made his way home.

Kenma and Hinata were just talking about how their school was so far, when Kenma asked a bizarre question.

"What if you and your sister moved in with me, and transferred to nekoma?"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

1150 words

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