Chapter 71.

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It was already mid March and the weather in Summer View had warmed up completely. More students were outside and the usual talk of summer wardrobes and outdoor tournaments was what excited people the most. The sun was blaring down on the field and courts, allowing the girls to gather up a sweat as they finished volleyball practice that afternoon.

Kelly and Brielle, wearing their seamless tight black shorts and hair tied in ponytails and buns had taken a quick break, some of the team talking to their coach. Brielle looked to the side to the basketball court next to her as the basketball team were prepping for practice. What surprised her is that Owen was there in his gym kit. I thought he wasn't on the team, she thought before shaking her head.

The coach blew her whistle and all the girls returned back to the courts, sweat glistening on them as they returned to their particular side. Brielle and Kelly were on opposite sides to each other and fought competitively—so much so, the game was mostly between themselves.

When the whistles was blown again, Jody began, tossing the ball in the air and starting off the next intense game. Points were won, cheering was heard and the coach was utterly losing it for the team, but what attracted Brielle's attention was the cheering of the basketball team.

"Woo, go Brielle!" she heard Jaxon cheer as the boys banged their hands against the metal fencing, light clanging noises filling everyone's ears, "you can do it! You can do—owe!"

Jaxon had turned around and met the eyes of their coach, a clipboard in his hand as the other guys were stood getting ready for practice. It seemed he was the only boy who didn't get the hint that the coach was already there and quite angry that his team got distracted by the volleyball team. He walked back begrudgingly and stood next to his brother, who stood there with a smirk on his face.

As the game grew more intense, Brielle was getting more tired and a thin layer of sweat building up on her forehead. She let out heaving breaths, chest rising and falling rapidly as she felt her baby hairs flutter softly on her skin. Her eyes scanned the player's movements, memorising each one as her eyes suddenly widened when the ball was coming in her direction, but with no person in front of her, she felt herself sprint to catch up before the ball landed.

Pouncing forward, she felt herself fall, arm out and hand clenched tightly before the feeling of her knee pads skid against the synthetic floor, the squeaking of her shoes making her flinch. She finally fell on the ground, the ball touching her skin just in time before bouncing back up as her teammates took over.

Going up against Kelly was difficult because she was really competitive and good at the sport, but that wasn't going to stop her. She would try her best even if she's preparing herself for a potential failure. When she got back up on her feet, her brows creased together as she huffed slightly.

"Girls, two minutes before we have to head back in! Let's make it count!" the coach shouted and that was when the competition really started. Kelly was picking up as many points as she could, some of which were only diverted because of Brielle's quick thinking. All the girls were beginning to ache and get tired whereas the boys were just about finishing up their practice as well.

Owen was sweating hard, wiping it off his forehead with his shirt as his brother bounced the basketball a few times before their coach blew their whistle once again. It confused the boys because there were two whistles used at similar times and they had no idea who blew when, but when he saw his brother start weaving around the other guys, he knew straight away.

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