Chapter 79.

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CHAPTER 79: college boy

[it bugged me that this was ending on chapter 79, but then i realised the epilogue could be like my chapter 80 lol. sorry to those people whose lucky number is 79 though. i'm just extremely picky. hope you all enjoy this last chap before the epilogue and there'll be an emotional asf message at the end :') ]

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During our second year of college, nothing much has changed except for one small thing. Well, what I mean by 'small thing' is actually a six foot two man who's built like a wall and currently looks more like a vulnerable puppy. Owen escorted Liam into the building, looking around suspiciously before setting his eyes on me. He walked over, tugging Liam by his blazer and I could only hide my amused smile behind my hand. See, like a puppy.

Since Liam was going to need to start getting back into education, he was enrolled into SVC by the mayor. He sympathised enough that he's had it rough with his dad and didn't get the care he needed growing up. Liam was back in education because the mayor wanted to see a change in him and had personally taken him under his roof like a son, teaching him everything he should've already known but didn't.

They walked over to me and I noticed some people's stares burnt through us. I smiled encouragingly at Liam who just seemed incredibly uncomfortable by the current situation he was in. It was fine and anyway, he'll get used to it. New students usually did after the first day.

"Everyone's looking," Liam muttered, rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes drifted to the different people looking at us. What could possibly be so interesting about this guy that everyone has to gawk at him?

"Well, duh," Owen said, his tone flat before I whacked him on the arm. He flinched before rolling his eyes at me. Yeah, he still hated Liam's guts, but he knew if he didn't look out for him, he might end up doing god-knows-what, "whatever. Do you have your timetable for the day? Please try not to do anything stupid. This is my last year and I don't want my graduation pictures to be me with no hair because you drove me up the fucking wall."

"Owen." I mean, Liam deserved it to be honest, but there's a time and place for forgiveness and I've learnt over time that forgiving people might be easier than being continuously angry with them, "play nice. Well, you know your way around, right? If not, just ask someone, okay? You'll be fine. We'll meet you in the cafeteria later at lunch."

Liam nodded as me and Owen walked off to our classrooms that morning. I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't exactly thrilled about having Liam around, but decided to get on with him for my sake.

"Will you cut him some slack? He's been in therapy for two years now," I told him, my voice quiet as Owen simply sighed. He knew that no matter what, he would never be best friends with Liam, but he respected him for fixing up his life the way he did.

"I'm trying, but our rivalry's never going to suddenly leave, is it? I know he's smart enough to know right and wrong so that's why I even agreed to what the mayor said about him." I simply sighed as he dropped me off at my class and placed a kiss on my cheek. When he leaned back, we both bid each other our goodbyes and I looked after him as he walked off in his usual black sweats and grey shirt. In his hands, he carried his books for his next lesson.

Owen was leaving this year whilst I was still studying and every day since we arrived at college, he would walk me to my classes even when we pass his class. Him leaving meant I couldn't have that so I might as well enjoy the last of the little things whilst I can.

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