Day 30: Author Interview

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Our goal is to showcase an array of LGBTQ+ content and extremely talented authors in the community. We are happy to introduce you to several authors who are standing behind their amazing works with strong LGBTQ+ themes. We are extremely honored to have them join our Fiesta for an interview.

Here is our eighth lovely author!

Here is our eighth lovely author!

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✮ Author ✮ Riggles101

✮ Genre ✮ Teen Fiction

Tags: #apollo #bisexual #boylove #bxb #comingofage #death #depression #freetheboy #freethelgbt #friendship #friendstolovers #gaypride #lgbtpride #lgbtq #loss #pridemonth #sadness #shortstory #talkthepoc #teenangst #teenfiction #triggerwarning #ultimatepride #unlimitedpride #wattpride

Tags: #apollo #bisexual #boylove #bxb #comingofage #death #depression #freetheboy #freethelgbt #friendship #friendstolovers #gaypride #lgbtpride #lgbtq #loss #pridemonth #sadness #shortstory #talkthepoc #teenangst #teenfiction #triggerwarning #ult...

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[ a story about two boys, love, loss, friendship and all the messy in-betweens, through the eyes of one of them]


As peculiar as what he said might have seemed, it drove Golden Boy absolutely mad with want. Because it was him, it was Starry Eyes.

Starry Eyes, who's words were poetry.

Starry Eyes, who embodied beauty.

Starry Eyes, who's presence was light.

Starry Eyes, who's presence was light

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What inspired you to write "Apollo"? 

Apollo is inspired by a whole lot of personal life experiences that I've held onto for most of my life. Writing has always been my release, so I wanted to create a story that shows the struggles of identity, loneliness, peer pressure, adolescence, friendship, loss, love and anxiety because these were all the things I was struggling with at the time. In writing it, I hoped that someone could feel a little less misunderstood and alone — something I never really had.

How long did you spend researching before beginning to write the story?

Apollo didn't really need much research, though I had to dig deep within myself to write open and honest insights. It took me a month of mapping out and plotting before I began, as I had other works that I was busy with. 

How did you discover Wattpad? What are some of your favorite experiences on the platform?

I discovered Wattpad in early 2014 but didn't join till later that year. I was on other writing platforms but I realised Wattpad offered a better reading and writing experience than they did. One of my favourite things about it is seeing authors who start out small yet with so much talent, getting recognition and rewards for all their hard work. 

If you could invite five people for a cup of coffee— anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Okay, so the first person I'd invite would be my gran. She was always my biggest fan, and I'd just like to know that I'm doing her proud. The second person I'd invite is Nelson Mandela because he's a figure that I've looked up to all my life. The third would be Harry Styles, mainly because I was head over heels for him when I was 14 (like every other tween). The fourth would be Ru Paul because his influence has really helped me be more comfortable with myself. The last one would be a unit who I consider to be one person for the sake of the 5 person limit (also because I could never choose just one!) — BTS! Their music is everything to me and I love the message of self love that they carry. 

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I spend a lot of my time doing university work, but when I have free time and I'm not writing, I'm usually reading, watching Netflix or creating new makeup looks for my Instagram! 

What do you identify as?

I identify as a queer cis-gen female. 

Can you tell us what you're currently working on or what's in store for the readers?

I am currently working on finishing my other book, The Way You Feel, whilst planning out two other queer-centric stories that I hope to release before the end of the year! Both are really different yet emotional experiences and I'm really excited to share them. 

What is the best writing advice you have received?

The best advice I've received is to write what I know. The best works are produced from citing real-life occurrences that you've lived through and can look back on. 

What advice can you give to writers out there?

Writing is a learning experience that never stops. Take every failed attempt in stride and see how you can improve each time. It's a process that you won't always get on your first or second or even fifth try, but if you've got the passion and patience for, you can succeed in.

"We never really get there, we are constantly learning" do you agree?

I agree! Like I've said, it's a never-ending, ever-changing experience and with each story, we unlock something new. Even the most seasoned writers are learning new ways of expression! 

 Even the most seasoned writers are learning new ways of expression! 

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