Day 13: Make A Wish

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Welcome to the 13th day of the Pride Month Fiesta! We are excited to see things are going well and you are all taking part!

So, while you're here, indulge us for a little bit and join us on an imaginary journey. Either that, or join us from the comfort of your own front room—whichever suits you!

Imagine you are given three magic coins and each coin has the power to grant you a wish if you throw it into the bottom of an old, magic well

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Imagine you are given three magic coins and each coin has the power to grant you a wish if you throw it into the bottom of an old, magic well. 

The condition? It's Pride Month! And just in case you ever forgot it, there's a rainbow hanging over the well. To make your other two wishes come true, you must seal them with a wish for at least one good, positive thing for LGBTQ+ community, or for yourself as an LGBTQ+ person or ally. 

With that in mind, what three things would you wish for? Your other two wishes could be anything, but you must also wish for something positive for the LGBTQ+ community. 

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