Awkward Moments with Ashley

Start from the beginning

He looks down at me. "Hey babe. You okay?" He smiles at me once more. 

I nod and plaster a fake smile on my face. "Yup...I missed you." I'm admiring my handsome boyfriend looking down at me like he knows I'm not okay.

He kisses me briefly. "Wanna go home?" He asks

I nod. "Yea..."

He looks at the rest of the guys. "Hey guys this was fun, but we're going to cut out. Catch you guys later." We exit the line and head to the car.

Once we get the bags are in the back seat and we're both seated he turns to me. "Talk to me. Why is my lioness so upset?" He asks concerned.

I exhale and roll my eyes. "Walez is being a butt nugget." I say frowning.

"You did make the man go dress shopping with you. I would have gone if someone would have allowed me to." He says with a smile.

"You're probably right. And it's a surprise, you know that. How can I surprise you with a surprise if you see it?" I say shaking my head.

"I could act surprised." He says cheesing.

I roll my eyes. "Right."

"Why don't you come stay with me tonight?" He says smiling.

"I would have to ask Ma, but she'll probably say yes after she lectures me on the fundamentals of using protection." I say while texting my mom.

He turns the car on and pulls out of the parking spot, headed to my house. We arrive less then 10 mins later. We walk up to my room and I start looking for clothes to bring.

He lays down on my bed, making himself comfortable. "Bring a bathing suit...or not. We could go skinny dipping." He says smirking.

I laugh at his cheekiness. "What am I going to do with you?"

He chuckles and looks at me with a smile. "I can think of a few things." He says chuckling more.

I laugh at him once more. "Maq, I think CC is rubbing off on you."

"Maybe, I'd rather have someone else do that though." He says in a husky tone.


He sits up and pulls me to straddle his lap, not breaking eye contact. He reaches up and takes my hair out of the high pony tail. He moves my hair out of my face. 

"You're so beautiful." He leans in and kisses me. As his hands venture under my tank top, my mother texts me back. I pull back and answer her.

"You want to leave your poor mother all by herself?" ~M

"Yes. You and Aunty Yellz can have a grown up sleepover. You can drink wine and talk about Brock O'hurn, Jason Mamoa, and Chris Hemsworth, and watch telenovelas all night. ~A

"You make us sound old. What the heck do you think Gabbz and I are going to do when you two leave the nest? PAAAARTAAAAAY!! ~M

"Mother. I swear I am not bailing you out of jail if you two get arrested for disturbing the peace. Lol.~A

"Oh hunny, we have disturbed the peace quite a bit growing up. We got out of it then, we can get out of it now. Plus, how do you think you got here?" ~M

"OMG! Please never say anything like that again. I am scarred for life now. I am never going to get that out of my head. Please mother, for my sanity. Can I spend the night at Maq's? I'll eat my veggies. Scouts honor." ~A

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