A tAiL!?!

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|3 days Later|

When I woke up the illusioner took me out of my cage into an empty room. They told me to fly around, so I did.

I wish I didn't listen to them.

The illusioner splashed a potion on me and my wings and back started to burn, I turned around to look at what they had done, and my wings seemed to be disintegrating.

I quickly landed do to the pain and looked at the illusioner, they had a wicked grin only a madman could achieve.

They looked at me and then hurried off right before I screamed. They came back in with some of their friends and they all just looked at me. I could tell that they enjoyed seeing me scream and whimper in pain, only to scream again second later as the illusioner instantly healed my wings and they disintegrated again.

They did this for a good hour before they stopped and went to get something else to torture me with.

When they came back they brought something that looked like a potion of poison, But it did something else I didn't expect.

They splashed it on me and I felt a searing pain throughout my body.

I looked back and my wings seemed to be getting larger as well as I felt something else growing out of my back.

At first, it was just a little stump, Then it grew into a white, black, and light purple tail. A TAIL!?!

Then I felt a searing pain in my head that felt like a migraine and then something came out of the top of my head. I ran over the window to look at my head and coming out of my brown curly hair where a pair of black and white horns.

They had thrown a potion on me that speed up the growth of my wings but also had given me horns and a tail. I don't know if they speed up the growth of everything and the tail and horns are apart of me or if they added them themselves.

I sat down to think why they would do this, then I hit me figuratively and literately.

They wanted me to feel more pain.

I felt a burning pain everywhere. When I turned around they were using the same potion as earlier, so I turned to look at my wings and sure enough, they were disintegrating, along with my tail and I presume my horns as well.

I let out a blood-curdling scream as the pain got worse.

Before I blacked out I saw there faces, they all had the same expression.

The expression of a madman.

One that can only be achieved by being one yourself.

Im going to have a lot of angst chapters and I'm already sad thinking about it.

Anyways that's it for this half chapter, Chapter 9.5

See you next chapter  :T

Word count - 490

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