"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but no, I don't think I could do it without Bryce. I need him... with me, the three of us are a formidable team. I'll have a better chance of traversing Paguea, getting to my parents and returning safely with Bryce's help." L hoped they didn't pick up on her little hiccup mid-sentence, though she knew Bryce had.

His smile almost split his face, and it soon turned smug when he stared towards his parents.

"I see. We will discuss this in more depth, there is time during the preparation of the potion, however I will say I do not like being in this position." The king mused, turning his levelled gaze on Bryce. "But I am warning you, Brycathlen, our decision will be final, even if we must lock you up in the dungeons until the Keeper returns."

Everyone sitting at the table knew he meant every word, including Bryce, whose smugness had disappeared. He inclined his head and returned to his dessert. L knew deep down that Bryce wouldn't let them stop him no matter what threats they made; he wouldn't make it obvious but he was probably already thinking of ways to go with her, openly and discreetly. L caught Robbie's eye when everyone had turned back to their dessert.

He half smiled, mouthed the word 'awkward', and continued to eat his food.

The dinner was pretty much over after that, they finished eating and the tableware swiftly disappeared. The king and queen led them all out of the dining room and into the antechamber where Aldrid was waiting. The king and queen bid them farewell, promising Bryce they would talk more on the matter. And they left through the doors to the Grand Hall.

"I trust it was a pleasant dinner?" Aldrid asked once the king and queen were out of earshot, and the sarcasm was evident in his voice.

L had to smirk when Bryce scowled. "Dinner with my parents is never pleasant. But I'm glad you're here, I need a word with you."

Bryce proceeded to speak with him about Latia, while they headed back through the palace towards the main staircase. L and Robbie followed in near silence, despite the hour there were still Elves around who could have listened in on their conversation. Time was difficult to decipher in the Elf kingdom but L knew it was late, they'd already spent a full day here and now they were expected to wait a whole week for the potion.

L hoped there wouldn't be more dinners like that one to endure in that time, she wasn't sure she could keep her composure as easily a second time. There were so many landmines to manoeuvre when talking with Elves, especially the king and queen. She was starting to feel the strain when they finally reached the stairs. Aldrid agreed to be more lenient on Latia in the future, especially when it was partially Robbie's fault. He gave Robbie a small smirk before he sauntered off.

"I'm never going to live that down, am I?" Robbie watched him go, his head drooping slightly.

"Oh, there'll be something else to talk about by tomorrow, don't worry." Bryce tried to reassure him.

They all made the unconscious decision it was time to turn in for the night. They headed for their rooms, Bryce pretended to head to his before he snuck away to stay in Robbie's room later. L was wondering how he'd sneak down a whole corridor in a palace full of Elves when she walked into her room and closed the door behind her. She let out a heavy sigh and kicked her boots off. She was shattered, she just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep all night.

She didn't want to think about whether the king and queen were going to stop Bryce from going with her. Or what she might have to do to change their minds. She sat on the edge of the bed, one thought quickly overtook the others and started to lift her spirits. She was getting the potion, she could finally get to her parents and hopefully, Robbie and Bryce would be with her when she did it.

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