~~ Ready, Set, No ~~

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In front of them were two towering, burly figures, made of grey pitted stone, bits of moss and sticks that were poking from the strangest of places. They were picking up boulders almost as big as themselves from the side of a steep hill. They hadn't noticed the group, they seemed to be concentrating on their rock throwing. L knew what they were, thanks to the well of knowledge in her mind, but that didn't lessen her confusion or her intrigue.

The larger of the two creatures picked up another boulder and threw it with such force it shattered a line through the trees.

"Hey!" Bryce called, making his way closer.

The creatures turned in their direction as if only just realising they were there. One made to pick up another boulder but Bryce drew his sword.

"Don't. You may be made of stone but that won't stop my blade."

The creature understood enough and lowered the boulder, L knew they had limited intelligence but their strength and magical potential could rival any other.

"Bryce, be careful. You know what they are, don't you?"

Bryce had been around a long time, he'd traveled and L had no doubt his Supernatural species list was almost as healthy as hers.

"Yeah, I've come across a few Golems in the past... they're not usually this aggressive unless provoked."

Instinctively, L, Nyla and Bryce took a look around the hilly landscape, something must have angered these creatures. However, on quick observation there was nothing in their immediate vicinity that would have been able. Nevertheless, they couldn't be left to destroy everything nearby, they needed to be calmed. L stepped closer to the creatures, they watched her through what she knew to be black pits in their stony heads.

"What is wrong? Why are you so angry?"

Through her Keeper knowledge, L knew that the only way to talk to a Golem was slowly and directly, no mincing words. It still astounded L on occasion that she could know so much about a creature despite having never seen, heard or met one before.

"Demon," the first creature replied pointedly, its voice sounded like a landslide.

"Bad... hurt," the second spoke, its voice indistinguishable from the first.

That was all they needed to hear, a Demon had hurt the Golems and angered them to the point of destruction.

"But, why?" L spoke her thoughts out loud.

"For this very reason, to spread destruction and distraction. I told you, it's what they love to do." Bryce responded, though he didn't put his sword away.

None of them could relax, just because the Demon wasn't close at this very moment didn't mean it couldn't reappear in a heartbeat.

"What do we do now?" Nyla asked, seeming to look more to L than Bryce.

L found that peculiar, considering their similar ages, being Keeper had meant lots of species looked to her to give advice or wisdom- something she'd probably never get used to.

"I can calm them, but we might need to seek out this Demon... make sure it doesn't come back and rile the Golems again."

They agreed with L's idea, despite the fact they all knew it was taking time away from the primary goal.

"Hey, Robbie. Did you catch all of that?" L used her mind to contact Robbie, she could sense he'd stayed close enough in case they needed him.

"Yeah, I did. I haven't seen any signs of Demons but there's weird activity in that town over there. You might wanna check there first."

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