~~ What Fresh Hell Is This? ~~

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L didn't realise she was holding her breath until she heard Robbie cheering. She exhaled slowly, letting out her relief and listening to Robbie's contented sounds.

"Ahh, this feels amazing. It's so soothing, why haven't I done this before?"

L could feel the heat through their connection, and despite knowing it was molten lava, it felt more like warm water. 

"Because it should be burning everything to a crisp? Never mind, at least we know it's fine for you to walk in." L spoke aloud for Bryce's benefit and added this latest development to her knowledge store.

"I wanna swim in it." Robbie said with a chuckle.

"Well, let's not do that right now and just get through this."

Robbie continued to walk carefully, though L could still sense his longing to dive headfirst into the scorching pool. She smiled to herself and kept watch on their surroundings. The last thing they needed was a surprise attack while they were wading through here. Bryce stayed silent behind her, but L was very aware of his legs being so close. She tried to ignore the thoughts and feelings swirling inside; she wasn't ready to deal with that yet.

Several minutes passed, and they were still in the thick of the lava flows. No other volcanoes had erupted recently, but somehow, it was still pooling around them. L tried to see up ahead for an end when they rounded the last volcano. It was flowing out in every direction and seemed to already be covering several miles of landscape.

"Robbie, do you see that?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, but it's okay, I can keep walking as long as we need."

He did seem okay with their predicament, but he couldn't walk in it forever.

They walked for several more minutes, leaving the last volcano far behind them, but somehow, the lava was still just as deep and just as hot.

"Shouldn't it be cooling by now?" L asked aloud.

Nobody seemed to have an answer for her. Clearly, things in Paguea were just as unexpected as everyone had claimed it would be. Unfortunately, that left L feeling more anxious about what may happen while they were there. How could she find her parents in all of this? Had they left her some way to get through? This was all for nought if they couldn't find their way now that they were here.

"What's that?" Robbie suddenly asked, tearing her from her thoughts.

L looked to where Robbie was staring. Through the gap in his wings, she could make out a shapeless form heading their way.

Bryce tensed behind her; he must have sensed the atmosphere.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

L shook her head, "Something large, and it's heading towards us. Be ready."

The three of them watched the black mass coming roiling their way. Something rumbled deep inside Robbie, and wisps of smoke curled from his nostrils. The unknown entity rushed towards them, and L squinted in confusion.

"Is that?"

"A sandstorm?" Bryce asked, sounding just as confused as she felt.

They could see it more clearly now. It appeared to be a large cloud of black sand, twisting and turning angrily.

"Don't let your guard down," L warned. "We don't know that it won't hurt us in some way."

They watched the aggressive looking cloud advance on them. It was several miles wide and high; there would be no getting away from or around it.

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