Olivia: Part 10

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We were at  "The Wisps", The ice cream place my parents went to, It was 6:00 PM already. They had renovated the shop though. It was surreal to me, even after all these years this place hadn’t  changed that much, if at all. Everything was the way my dad had described in his writings, exactly the same. The Grandview Inn, the ice cream shop, the room where my dad stayed, this beach, the air, the warm feeling.

It was like time had stopped, it was powerless here. This place was still stuck in 1997 and I was revisiting my dad's memories. I was returning to a  part of his life I never knew existed but was somehow so familiar it scared me. Everything somehow made sense when I had discovered his diary. Every puzzle piece I didn't know I needed to place in this picture fitted so perfectly.

Just like my dad had done, we then went on to the beach. The sun was already setting and the air was getting cooler. The waves fell gently upon the shore. I could still see the stars faintly shining as the sun was setting.

There was this unexplainable peace I felt at that moment. This place was mesmerizing. It was like this beautiful lucid dream I didn't ever want to wake up from.
Aaron had taken a shower. His tanned blond curls fell  lightly in front of his eyes.. Walking besides him made me realise how tall he was. He also had these sharp facial features, which I loved. We sat down on the sand next to each other.

"I can imagine how people fall in love here. This place is beautiful,” Aaron said.

"True, it brings out the best feelings" I replied.

Aaron turned to look at me. "You know that whatever you said at the lodge today,I completely understand why you felt this need to pressure yourself into doing what you did. But it's not your fault, it's nobody's fault. My parents got divorced when I was six and I love both of them so much, but I'm living with my dad right now and my mom is pretty far away from me. It always crosses my mind too, you know, talking to her and spending time not that it's anything like what you experienced but I just think that whatever the consequences, you just really need to embrace them.

“Your dad loved you and looking at you I'm pretty sure you loved him just as much as he loved you. It's just these unsaid emotions. They exist. Death just is, and things that are, it's not good or bad, it's just something that has to happen. You don't have to feel the guilt that was never yours to experience. You're mom might be hurting but she's staying strong for you and I want you to stay strong for her." 

It was as if  his grey eyes were looking right through to my soul. He could see everything that way going on inside my head. I could feel myself tearing up. I tried to hold back, but I couldn't take it anymore. He was absolutely right. I didn't realise that my actions were torturing everyone around me, and it took me meeting this man to realise everything. I looked at him then, and at some point he smiled. That just blew my cover. I adored him, I was whipped for this guy.

I don't remember exactly how it played out but when I looked into his eyes again, they changed suddenly. His hand travelled to my cheek. I fell apart at his warm touch. He leaned in, giving  me time to back away. I didn't and then his mouth was on mine. This sensation charged through me like electricity, every nerve inside my body was alive. My hands went into his curls. His hair was soft under my touch. His other arm pulled me in further and I knew now what the butterflies everyone talked about meant.  This was it.
Again, we kissed, and the stars shone brighter. I knew deep down inside, I knew that my life was going to change and this was gonna be a hell of a ride.

- The End

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