Aaron: Part 8

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I was astounded with what I had just heard, it was not that I found the Idea of us going somewhere absurd or impossible, but this all happened way to quickly. Olivia wanted us to go to some beach, I think it was Grandview beach. She sounded so rushed, like this idea had just come into her mind suddenly and she, without even processing anything was pitching it to me. I listened to everything, I asked her to give me some time. I needed to think this through. Maybe she wasn't hearing herself when she talked. 

"I need to go there somehow, I need to see for myself these places, my dad....my dad..I just-- can't we just go there? I mean it'll only take an hour by car, we'll be back in no time.." she kept on blabbering stuff I just couldn't catch on, it sounded urgent, important. I texted her later that I would go with her, it's not like I had anything to do at home. I needed to get my mind off of Hazel anyways. We decided to go tomorrow, I was to pick her up at 9:30 AM.

Till then I had the rest of the day to myself. I talked to Owen after a long time today, I didn't mention the trip by any chance. Olivia didn't want Hallie to know and if I told about it to Owen, her cover would blow up a hundred percent. I found it hard to believe that Olivia was introverted, with me, she was different. Well this could've also been because we had a very different official first interaction. Olivia was beautiful, she was intelligent and most of my friends found her attractive, some had even asked her out but she had always stayed away. No one hated her in our class at first everyone tried to get close to her as well but she kept pushing them away lightly. At some point they stopped, and she just stayed distant, minding her own business. I started to remember the night I ended up at her house, I was somehow thankful that I ended up going there, ended up getting to know her.

I reached at Olivia's house at around 9:15 AM. I was thankful to reach before time, I woke up a little late and had to do everything in a rush before leaving my house I didn't even comb my hair, I realised it when I reached her house, I could see my blond curls all messed up. She stepped out in casuals, her ginger brown hair tied up into a ponytail,her bangs all scattered. She locked the front door of her house and nervously started to walk towards where I was. She looked pretty in that moment, I decided to divert my thoughts and focus on something else. she then opened the door of the front seat and got in and we hit the road.

 she then opened the door of the front seat and got in and we hit the road

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Thirty minutes into the journey, neither of us talked. But then suddenly Olivia turned towards me, "I'm really sorry to have dragged you into this, I really had no one to turn to" 

"It's totally alright" I told her, "But why did you wanna visit this beach all of a sudden, I mean I remember you saying something about your dad--" she cut me off, " Yeah, about that--" She pulled out a diary out of her backpack, "This is my dad's diary, I found it yesterday at our storage room. His first entry is the day he met my mother for the first time, at that beach."

" Soo you wanna revisit the place your parents met, something like that?" I asked. "Yeah something like that." she replied. I knew now, I finally knew why she wanted to go to this place so badly, to revisit the memory of her father who had passed away. She had talked about her father's passing before.

When we reached it was 11:00 AM, the beach was seriously packed, it took us a while to find a spot to park our car. Once we were settled I asked Olivia if I could take a look at her dad's diary and she most willingly handed it over to me. I went through it a couple of times, there weren't a lot of entries in it. He had mentioned about staying at this place called "The Grandtview Inn" and well that's exactly where Mrs. White was staying at that time too. "Should we try to find this place first?" I asked her pointing at the name of the inn and she said she was thinking the same thing.

We got out of the car and took our luggage, I locked it and we went on our way. There were a few Souvenir shops nearby we walked over to one of them and a lady, looked like she was in her 50s welcomed us in with a kind smile. Olivia went on to look at a few keychains while I asked the lady about this inn.

"Ahh! The Grandview Inn? Yeah it is still in business, though they get very few customers now as many new businesses have come around. If you want to go there, just go straight from here and take the first right you spot it."

"Thank you" I said to her, Olivia till then had chosen a keychain she wanted and brought it over to the counter.

"Thank you for shopping here my dear! People rarely come here to buy things. Hope you lovers have a great time! It's such a sunny day tod—"  We both cut her off at the same time.

"We're not together!" We both snapped in bafflement. "Ohh! My appologies, you both looked so good together and the beautiful lady here, you've got such pretty emerald eyes my dear, I thought– anyways, have a good day both of you!" She gave us a smile and we went on our way to the "Grandview Inn."

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