Aaron: Part 3

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I woke up to darkness, my head was throbbing with pain and it took me a moment to register myself to my surroundings I was definitely inside a closet. I did remember going to Owen's house from the party. Last night was a terrible experience and I wanted everything to be a nightmare but seeing the state that my miserable self was in, I knew all of it was real. Hazel cheated on me well at least I caught her cheating on me. I was still a little hungover for the obvious reasons.

This was the first time I had been to Owen's house since he had moved a week ago and though it was my first time visiting, to my disbelief an uncanny feeling lingered through the air. I surreptitiously sneaked out just in case his parents were home, though he had told me that they were out. I walked into a somewhat feminine room which did feel a little unwonted but I kept going. The fact that Owen was nowhere to be seen was even more disturbing. Making my way downstairs I could hear the rattle of kitchen appliances from the kitchen. Owen wasn't someone who actually took an interest in cooking. I turned towards the kitchen.

What I saw upon entering took me by surprise. my eyes were questioning what I saw, at first I thought I was hallucinating but that was not the case. The person cooking was not Owen but rather a girl. she had her back turned towards me and wasn't really aware of my presence for now. I had no time to fathom out who this girl was and I really did not want to as well. I decided to get out of that house as quickly as possible, I was pretty sure now that this house wasn't Owen's and I wanted to escape without her noticing, I made a move to run but my foot hit the door and when I turned around she was evidently staring directly in my direction, there was no hiding or running away now.

"So you're finally up Aaron?" she asked me, she looked pretty confident. How did she know my name?She did look familiar. Olivia White, I was pretty sure it was her, we took math together though I hardly talked to her but why was she here?

"Uhh, Olivia? why are you here? Isn't this supposed to be Owen's house?"

"Well, nope this is my house and I have absolutely no idea why you are here. But its surprising that you actually know me." she replied, she looked uncomfortable,

" Well I do know you, we have math together don't we? " I replied.

" Yeah we do. But why did you show up at my window last night?" she asked.

" I did what!?" I asked in disbelief.

" Yeah you climbed up to my window last night and passed out in my room, you were mumbling something but I couldn't make out what it was." she said.

I was stupefied " I have to make a call, let me figure this out with Owen just give me a minute" I said to her and rushed away from her earshot. I could sense she was uncomfortable and why wouldn't she be? I could not help but feel guilty. She was always silent in class and never seemed to pay attention to anything in general. She really was introverted, not that there was anything bad about it but I knew I made it harder for her and couldn't help but feel apologetic. I snapped my phone out in anger and called Owen, turns out he was too drunk to remember his new address and mistakenly gave me directions to Olivia's. I did go up to her to explain the situation. She told me it was not a big deal but I knew she was ill at ease around people, everyone who knew about her pretty much did, I did not know what exactly was the reason behind her being like this, we were never that close to begin with so I never asked.

She gave me some hangover soup she had prepared for which I really was grateful. It was  very much needed.

" Why was I in your closet by the way?" I asked her.

"Well where was I supposed to keep a drunk guy I barely knew. Plus I really considered calling the cops or just tossing you out of the house. Wouldn't that be better Mr. Aaron Parker?"

Well I had nothing to say in my defense. She was right, even I would have done the same thing.

Though I was not well acquainted with Olivia. I substantially knew about her because of Hallie. Hallie was friends with Hazel so we know each other very well. I did not want to take much of Olivia's time. I already had made her very uncomfortable. I promised that I would make it up to her I really did owed her one this time, but she didn't really seem that interested or was it discomfort that I saw in her eyes, was it fear? I can't tell for sure. I decided to respect her intents and apologized to her again, though I really wanted to repay back for what she had done. I then left the house somehow feeling that we would never really talk to each other again but who knows what could happen right?

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