Olivia: Part 4

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This had the been the most devastating experience of my life. I had never tried so hard to act like I was keeping my shit together and not feeling miserable in front of technically the only guy that had been over to my house and most precisely to my room. He really was sorry for whatever he did so I did really try not to freak out  but two things were clear to me now : One, that I wasn't ready to get into conversations with new people and two, that now I was to avoid Aaron for probably the rest of the semester.

Hallie called me later that day. Owen had of course told her about what had happened.

" Olive please tell me this is not a dream, you finally had a guy over gurl!" she squirmed with excitement dripping from her voice.

" I guess you have the wrong interpretation, I did not have him over intentionally your friend Owen messed up BIG TIME and just FYI,you don't know how I had kept myself from showing Aaron how uncomfortable I was around him." I replied back in annoyance.

"But you didn't right? Maybe that's good, doesn't this kind of prove that you can actually have a social life now? Maybe if you just open up a little bit, it'll not be too bad right?" she asked.

" I don't know Hallie, Maybe? I really don't know. I'll just try to avoid Aaron for now. It's already embarrassing for me." I replied.

" Well isn't he the one who should be embarrassed? She asked.

" Well that's true, he should be more embarrassed than I am" I replied.

We talked for a few minutes but then I had to go get something to eat so we had to end our call.

The next day I woke up less uncomfortable knowing that I certainly had the full day to myself and of course today was not going to be as devastating as yesterday but my minuscule sense of comfort was brutally destroyed when Hallie texted me. 

" Olive! Owen just texted me the address for the dog washing fundraiser thing his mom is organizing. We're going tomorrow you know that right? I've already talked to Mrs. White so you don't have to ask her, she was actually very happy to hear that you had agreed to go.  I'll text you the address so take a look at it okay?"

Of course I had forgotten about this bomb because of previous engagements and now my day got worse before I knew it. Well I had no choice but to go so there was no point in feeling devastated. I spent my day studying for a few hours and watching TV and then went to bed a little early, preparing myself from another intolerable experience.

The morning came like whirlwind. I woke up, grabbed  a black hoodie and a pair of jeans ( I couldn't care less about how I looked) and went on to take a shower.  An hour later Hallie showed up and I bid farewell to my humble abode. The ride to the venue was pretty silent, we reached there at around 11:30 AM, the sun was blazing hot and the place was full of  dogs. Owen came running up to us and handed us IDs with "Volunteer" written on them. Of course we  were volunteering, Owen did know how to get new volunteers huh? Though I did think he did it to spend some more time with Hallie. We all said our greetings and then he turned to call someone, he sounded urgent. 

"Hey man where are you? The event is going to start and I have to head in with the other volunteers.. What the hell did he just hung up on me!??" Snapped Owen, pretty much furious with whoever he was on the phone with, and then I heard his voice,

"I told you I was just around the corner! You're really impatient dude---" 

It was Aaron standing right behind me.

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