Training With Shinsou & Nightmares

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'The Endeavor's Agency?!? That man actually had the guts to offer a internship with me?!? Then again... my dad did work for him.... Maybe I can follow his footsteps or something and maybe I can get stronger there'

"You ok there kid?" Aizawa asked, breaking the silence. He noticed that you were in deep thought.

"Yeah.. I think I know what internship I'll be taking." you replied.

"Good, and by the way your not gonna be alone for combat routine tomorrow." Aizawa added.

"Oh yeah its Shinsou right? He's the dude that Midoriya fought from the Sports Festival right?" you asked.

"Yeah, I saw big potential in him. I want you to teach him a thing or two about hand to hand combat, if you don't mind. I won't be available tomorrow so...." he replied.

"No, I don't mind! I'm glad that I'll be with someone different this time. And besides I think I'm a pro at teaching. I also taught Jirou a couple of moves recently." you said quite enthusiastically.

The Next Day

You and Shinshou were at the backyard of the house. You and Aizawa would usually train there. Shinsou was equipped with a support item, Aizawa's scarf/capture weapon to be exact.

Shinsou used his capturing scarf and he threw a tendril at you. Luckily for you he wasn't as fast as Aizawa and you were able to dodge the attack with ease. You used this opportunity to grab the scarf and you pulled him closer to you. You were able to land a side kick at his stomach. He fell to the ground, holding his stomach in pain.

"You shouldn't always rely on your support item. Remember, villains can often take advantage of this and can use it against you." you said as you reached out a hand to help him.

He gladly took your hand. He was more serious this time when he attacked you but you were still able to overpower him with your combat skills.

You two went at this for hours. Until the sun was setting and it was finally time for him to leave.

"Thanks for today Y/N. I'd like to get to know you better in the future." he said with a couple of bruises on his face.

"Yeah me too!" you replied to him. You both waved each other off as he proceeds to go home.

Small Timeskip

You were in a dark foresty area. It was pitch black until a woman appeared right in front of you. She wore a black outfit with combat boots and metal gauntlets at her lower arms. You felt a familiar aura from her as if you knew her.

"Who are you? Are you my mother?" you tried asking her. But she walked away as if she couldn't hear you.

You tried running to her but the ground below you was starting to shake violently. You were losing your footing and you fell on the ground.

The ground started to crack and eventually you were falling into a bottomless pit. You were completely terrified on what's going on. Darkness was soon filling up your vision.

You jolted from your bed and you were breathing intensely. It was in the middle of the night.

"Kid! Kid! It was just a dream, don't worry." Aizawa comforted you.

"Aizawa what are you doing here?" you asked still a bit tensed from the nightmare you had.

"I heard you were mumbling something from your sleep. Plus your room was shaking for some reason." he explained. You quickly turned around and saw the objects in your room completely out of place. Some of the objects was even shattered and broken.

"Shaking? Maybe I was using a spell while I was sleeping? But I don't feel any of my energy gone for some reason." you said. You were trying to explain the whole situation but nothing made sense.

"Listen kid... The internships are gonna be tomorrow. You better rest up. It will be a tough day for you." Aizawa said. He insisted for you to go to sleep. You followed his instructions nonetheless.

While you were sleeping you couldn't help but wonder on who was the woman that appeared in your dream and why was your room shaking.

'Was that my mom?!?'

A/N: So I finally worked on a schedule and I will be updating every other 2 days now.

*DISCONTINUED* A Magical Moment BNHA X Male Magician Reader Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now