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You woke up in the hospital room. You saw you Todoroki, Jirou, Krishima, Denki and Momo with a face of relief when you woke up.

"Y/N! Your finally awake!" Jirou exclaimed happily.

"How long was I out?" you asked.

"3 whole days." Todoroki replied

"3 WHOLE DAYS?!?... Wait a second.. What about Aizawa? Is he alright?!?" you said as you remembered what happened to Aizawa during the attcack on U.S.J.

"Don't worry Y/N.. he's fine.. He was released yesterday and Recovery Girl was able to treat him." Kirihima said.

"That's a relief..." you mumbled to yourself.

You were soon released and you spent the rest of the day hanging out with your friends. Your friends also informed you that school has been suspended for a couple of weeks due to the villain attack.

As the day come to an end you went to your house and saw Aizawa completely covered in bandages. You ran up to him and gave him a tight hug.

"Ouch! Kid take it easy, I'm still recovering." Aizawa said with his usual bored voice.

Tears began to form in your eyes. You were starting to doubt yourself again. You couldn't imagine losing Aizawa. He was like a second father figure in your life. He taught you how to survive in this cruel world. He was always there looking out for you and protecting you.

"I'm sorry... I was just worried.. I couldn't do anything to heal you and I couldn't protect my class and-"

"Kid you gotta stop over thinking. You should more faith in yourself. You did all you could. And besides its gonna take a lot more than that to take the ol' Eraser Head out." Aizawa interrupted.

You smiled and went upstairs to your room. At this time of the day, you would usually video call your dad. You were gonna ask him about his history with Charmcaster.

"Dad... one of the villains that I fought in the U.S.J. seems to know you." you said.

"Oh? Who is it?" your dad asked.

"Her name was Charmcaster... She said that she was waiting for years for her revenge. I also had a previous encounter of her. She was trying to find the Staff Of Ages." you replied.

Your father seemed to be taken back on what you said but nonetheless, he still answered.

"Charmcaster was one of the people that I used to work with in Endeavor's Hero Agency (A/N: It was explained in the 'Blast From The Past' chapter that your dad worked for Endeavor). The 'Staff Of Ages' was her family heirloom. Once she got the staff she only used it for her own selfish deeds and wanted me to join her and rule the world together. But luckily I was able to put an end to her madness and was able to arrest her. I guess she must've escaped and wanted her revenge ever since." your father said.

'Hmm... seems interesting. I have to be careful. I have the staff and I know that she'll do everything it takes just to get her hands on it again'

You greeted your father goodbye and turned of your laptop. You trained for the next couple of weeks and prepare for the time when Charmcaster will strike back. You were practicing and learning more offensive and defensive spells too.

*DISCONTINUED* A Magical Moment BNHA X Male Magician Reader Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now