Quirk Assesment Test

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A/N: You'll be replacing Mineta in this story.

The first test was a 50 meter dash.

You were up against a blonde male with black streaks on his hair. You decided you were gonna use a teleporting spell to get yourself across, since your not much of a runner.

Aizawa then blew the whistle. The blond male took of while you were preparing your incantation.

"Tropelet em ssorca!" ( Teleport me across! )

You suddenly teleported across, you huffed a little since teleporting spells were a little difficult to use.

You clocked in 2.16 seconds. You gave Aizawa a cheeky smile and a thumbs up which he just replied with a tired sigh. The blond male then reached you, he clocked in 7.1 seconds.

"*Pant, Pant* My quirk isn't really made for running, the name is Denki Kaminari. You seem to have a cool quirk!" he exclaimed.

"Y/N Zatara, thanks!" you replied.


The second test was a grip test. You decided you were gonna cover your hands with mana energy to amplify your strength. Your hands started to glow a blue color while you were gripping the device as hard as you could.

You broke the device.


"Holy crap! He broke it." yelled by one of your classmates, causing most of your classmates to look at you.


Next was standing long jump, some of your classmates wanted to see what you were gonna do since you did so well in the previous physical tests.

You created Mana platforms for you to walk on, gaining you the maximum score as you landed on the other side.

'I hope Jirou and Kirishina are doing well.' You couldn't help but become a little worried for your friends.


The next test was repeated side steps.
You couldn't really think of anything you can do in conjunction with your quirk so you just used a spell to increase your agility.

Your score came out as 120 jumps in thirty seconds.


Next was a ball throw, since you were done with your results. You decided to watch your fellow classmates, learning all about what there quirks is in the process. One of your classmates was even able to get an Infinity! Thanks to her Zero Gravity quirk.

But there was one excited event that happened involving this 'Izuku' kid.

It was eventually the green haired boy's turn. You heard that he was even able to took out a zero pointer villain-bot during the entrance exam.

'His quirk must be special to be able to take out something THAT big'

When he threw to the ball he only got a low score of 46 meters.

'Aizawa must be behind this'

"I erased you quirk, the judges in the exam was not rational enough. Someone like you should have never attended this school." he bluntly said.

"You did wha... Hold on.. Those goggles.. I know who you are. You are Erasure Head... you can eliminate anyone's quirk." Izuku said.

"You are not ready. You have no control of your quirk. Were you planning on breaking your body just so you could throw a ball?" Aizawa asked.

"Wait no I wasn't-" Aizawa interrupted him by bringing him closer with his scarf.

"You would break your body in battle and become a liability. You have the same reckless mind set of another one of my colleagues."

At this point Izuku looks completely traumatized.

"You would throw one punch and become completely useless. You will never be able to pass my course. I'm sorry Midoria but with your power you could never become a hero."

'Seems a little harsh Aizawa'

Aizawa freed him from his scarf. The red glow from his eyes started to fade.

"I gave you back your unusable quirk.
Now take your final throw."

Izuku was getting ready to throw the ball. You were expecting him to break his body just like what Aizawa said but the exact opposite completely happened.

He directed his power to only 1 of his fingers. Launching the ball with a powerful force.

'This kid really is something else!'

"See! I'm still standing!" he said facing Aizawa holding his purple broken index finger.

"This kid!" Aizawa exclaimed.


The next tests were finished in a blink of an eye. You performed with the best of your abilities and before you knew it, it was over.

A hologram of everyone's ranking suddenly appeared. You came in 3rd place. The name 'Shoto Todoroki' (The person who scored 2nd place ) was familiar to you for some reason.

"Everyone got a good gander of where you're placed?"

The entire class nodded

"Good, bow here's a fact that should relieve all of you, no one is going home. That was all a lie I told all of you to ensure that you would be doing your bests during the tests."

The entire class was relieved hearing this new information.

"We're done for today. You're free to go changed and go home when the bell rings."


You changed into your uniform via a spell ( being the lazy ass you are lol )
and head back to your room. The room was almost empty but you decided to wait on Aizawa so that you both could walk home.

"Y/N, do you wanna walk home with us?" Jirou said who was with Denki, Kirishima and the girl who scored 1st place Momo Yaoyorozu. "Nahh you guys go ahead I'm waiting on Ai-" before you could finish Aizawa interrupted.

"Its ok Y/N, you can go with them I have a meeting and its probably gonna take a while. Knowing you, you will probably just get bored and nag me to go home." Aizawa said.

You just nodded and went home with your friends. All of you started to get acquainted with one another.

"Hey Y/N you seem to know Aizawa-Sensei pretty well huh? I saw you gave him a thumbs up during the Quirk Assessment Test" Denki said. "Yeah and you seem to know him when he arrived in class today" Jirou added.

"Yeah he's basically my second father.. He trains me all the time and he was the one who takes care of me since I couldn't travel with my dad with his shows. And I know to you guys he seems like a pretty odd looking guy. But to me, underneath all that weirdness is a kind, sweet guy who just looks out to the people he cares about." you said.

Your friends seemed to be taken back by surprise on what you said but they all quickly nodded and understood on what you meant.

*DISCONTINUED* A Magical Moment BNHA X Male Magician Reader Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now