A Blast From The Past

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"Y/N? Is that you?" a familiar voice called out to you. You quickly turned around to see who it was and it was none other than Todoroki! Your childhood friend and classmate.

You used to be neighbors with him and his family. Your dad used to work at Endeavor's hero agency at that time. But you sadly moved away because of the fact that your dad had another tour from a different country.

Flashback ( Todoroki didn't have his scar at this time btw )

"Y/N its good to see you again!" exclaimed by a very happy and young Todoroki. You were visiting his house because you wanted to show him a new spell you've learned.

"Hey Halfie! ( That's your nickname to him ) Do you wanna see a new trick I can do?" you asked him.

"Sure." he happily replied. You were always able to bring a different side in him.

You held out a piece of paper and started to cast your spell. "Repap emoc ot efil." ( Paper come to life ) .

The paper started to mold into a shape of a small man and it started to wave at Todoroki. You huffed a little because you were still trying to get used to this spell.

"That's so cool Y/N!" he exclaimed. You couldn't help but blush at his comment since you weren't used at receiving compliments for any of the spells you used.

"Thanks! I'm glad you like it!" you happily replied.

Small Timeskip ( Now he has the scar )

"What?!?" Todoroki exclaimed as he was putting down his middle school stuff.

"You heard me the Zatara family is moving away." his father harshly replied.

Todoroki quickly rushed at your house and saw you about to enter a car that was just outside your home.

"Y/N, are you really leaving?!?" Todoroki asked who verge on crying.

"Halfie, I'm so sorry that I couldn't tell you earlier... But I promise that one day we'll see each other again." you replied.

You saw Todoroki who sniffed a little trying to hold back a sob. The very sight broke your heart.

So you leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on his cheeks in an attempt to calm him down. "Halfie, I promise you that we'll meet each other again... And we can become the strongest heroes!" you said as you were getting on the car.

Todoroki was still shocked and frozen after what you did. He touched the spot that you kissed. But he still waved back at the moving car, smiling since he knew that you would keep your promise. You also waved back at him at the window of the moving car.

Flashback end

"Halfie is that you? I am so sorry that I didn't even recognize you before!" you exclaimed. That's why his name sounded so familiar to you.

"Its ok, I was too shy to approach you because you were making new friends and I thought that you didn't recognize me... I can see you haven't changed much though huh." he replied.

"Halfie... you know that you are my best friend and I would never replace you.... I know! What if we hang out together right now. I know a nearby restaurant that doesn't cost that much." you insisted. You wanted to make it up to him.

"I don't know.. Its getting kinda late and I wouldn't want to cause you trouble." he replied.

"Oh that's nonsense, you wouldn't be doing such thing, come on! Please... its just I've been really lonely without you and I've missed you so much and it would really mean a lot to me if you gave me a chance to make it up to you." you said.

Todoroki was taken back on what you said and he blushed a little when you said that you missed him. But nonetheless, he accepted the offer.

You both ate at that nearby restaurant you were talking about. And you both started catching up. Like on how you telling him on how you've trained with Aizawa and him pretty much telling that his dad is still a huge dick. Both of you couldn't help but blush at times during your conversations for some reason.

When it was starting to get really late you both parted ways. And decided to give each other your phone numbers and still keep in touch.

You were happy that you were able to reconnect with your childhood friend

*DISCONTINUED* A Magical Moment BNHA X Male Magician Reader Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now