Dance me to the end of the night

624 23 10

"Here," I reach over and pull her seatbelt around her, clicking it in place. "We'll be home in a few hours."

At some point during the drive back, without realizing it, I reached out and grabbed her hand.
I'm not sure if it means she's coming back to reality or not, but eventually she gently squeezed my hand which is the most movement she's willingly done since earlier, since before...

It actually startled me a little.

Though, when I glance over she's still blankly staring straight ahead. I focus my eyes on the road and shift our hands so our fingers are laced together.

I really wanna break her some more.

The sun is rising in the early morning sky when I pull into the driveway.

I pause as I reach over to unbuckle her seatbelt. Her voice is soft and fragile as she struggled to ask the question.
"Because, how could I pass up a perfect opportunity? C'mon let's get you inside before Lauren comes back."


She's still so compliant, even though she's way more aware and responsive now. I took her down to the basement and chained her up, though I might move her upstairs soon.
"Do you need anything before I go?"
Maybe into one of the guest rooms so it's easier to take care of her.

I wait for a reply of some sort but one doesn't come so I head back upstairs. As soon as I step into the kitchen I can hear Lauren coming through the front door.
I definitely got home in time, I don't particularly want to explain myself so early in morning. Maybe if I'm really careful I won't have too—If I'm really careful I can move Claire into a guest room and keep her locked up, at least until I get bored of playing with her.

This update took longer than expected because I procrastinate like crazy. I've literally got three chapters worth of shit typed out... it's just inside my head though.-. And actually sitting down to type it out proves difficult at times especially when this chapter was supposed to be way longer but I keep not writing so I'll give you what I have so far.
I also started a live journal/diary thingy if you wanna read that. (It's super personal and centers around mental health)
Or just read some of my other fics while you wait for an update c: I promise I'm working it 🖤

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