Welcome to the End of Your Life

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The craving to do it had been bothering me since the thought entered my brain,
and I've never put this much work into a kill before. I learned where he lived and spent over a week leaving my house at odd hours just to watch him, follow him around, learning when the perfect moment to take him would be.

I didn't know how to explain it to Lauren so I didn't.
It's probably best she doesn't know anyways.

After summer break he'll be leaving for college but right now he still lives with his parents.
When he is home he's almost always alone, both his parents have jobs and don't get back till late in the evening, and the icing on the cake is that he's an only child.

Aside from hanging out with a few friends once in awhile and jogging every morning he doesn't do much.

It's almost disappointing, how boring and mundane he is. The thought of stalking him any longer makes me want to end my own life so tomorrow it's finally time.

He uses a jogging trail a few minutes away from his house, and he's there early every morning before anyone else so that will be my perfect moment.


I walk into the bedroom and find Camila looking at herself in the mirror, dressed in a black jogging outfit.
"Are you going somewhere?"
"Mhm, going jogging."
I walk over to our bed and sit down.
"It's way to early for you to be up, and since when do you jog?"

"It's a new hobby and I have to leave early to get to the trail before anyone else."
There's no way in hell she'd ever willingly exercise nor get up this early.
"No offense Princess but I think you need a new hobby. You hate getting up early and I've seen you trip while standing still."

"Who knows, maybe I'll be good at it" I'm Confused but I'm also to tired to question it any further.


It's a new hobby that will last long enough for me to get who I want and 'who' I want is Brandon.

I park my car by the trail and after a couple minutes his jogging figure comes into view.


It took longer than I would have liked to get his half unconscious body to my car.
And then it took almost as long to shove him into the backseat, but moving fast is slightly difficult when you're working with deadweight.

Once he's fully in the car I slam the door shut, take a deep breath, get in and drive off.

Lauren thankfuly isn't home by the time I get back which makes my job a little easier.

It takes awhile but I drag his bound body to the fire-pit in the backyard. It's big enough for him to fit into so I pour kerosene in the pit then drag his body on in.

I pour a little more kerosene in, making sure to cover some of his body before striking a match and dropping it.

I stand back as flames immediately consume him. Muffled screams let me know he woke up but they don't last very long as he burns.

"Welcome to the end of your life."
One minute you're jogging, and the next minute you're waking up, feeling excruciating pain throughout your body as you realize you're burning to death.

I really wanted to use my car to drive over his body until it was nothing but a bloody pulp but this is even better.

Far more entertaining.

I stay and watch, keeping the flames going until nothing's left but a pile of ashes.
And when the flames fully die out I make my way inside the house and head straight to the shower.

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