Chapter27: No hope

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Assphera blinked at looked at her daughter like she was crazy. "What are you talking about?" She asked. Harumi looked at her father who nodded, and stood on his two hind legs. "This is my fault, I turned dad into a bear, but it was an accident! I didn't want to change him into a bear I wanted to change him so he would forget the marriage, I wasn't ready to go. I'm so sorry mom" she curled herself into a ball. Ready for for the scolding but it never came instead a hug did. "It's okay honey, we all make mistakes, epically me and your father. The bear in the corner gave a nod of acknowledgment. She smiled, before turning to her friends, and family.

"We need to stitch up the tapestry, before the second sunrise. It's the only way to get Father back" she told them. As they all spreaded out to get ready to help stitch it. When: "brother! Are you there?" Wu asked as he came in and sees this. He ran forward, as harumi tries to stop them. "Uncle wu! Stop!" She yelled as she was pushed down, and the bear ran out of the room. "Father!" She yelled. When Wu ran toward her. "Are you alright?" Harumi nodded, but she looked at Wu. "It's your brother!" She yelled as Wu looked at her. "You're talking nonsense!" He yelled, as as he went to grab the rest of the troops and locked harumi in the room. "Listen, you can't! It's your brother!, Garmadon!" Harumi whimpered, as she watched everyone hunting down her father, after getting locked in the tapestry room and finding no way out, Harumi starts crying she collapsed on the floor.

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