Chapter18: First born

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As Harumi lisnted to the suitors and their son's, she was getting more and more bored. She sighed as soon her father was talking on and on, it felt so boring and so useless. It was starting to get so boring she just pondered thoughts in her head. 'Hmm I wonder what my friends think of all of this' in her mind she pictured herself beating all the men and winning her own hand, so she could just stay with her friends. But she knew that wasn't going to happen at all. She looked around, ans she hoped her brothers were okay. She hoped her father wasn't too hard on them since they was trying to protect her and they thought she was in danger. She looked around and saw the men looked okay, but she wasn't really interested in any of them. She wanted her freedom and she didn't want to be projected as a prize or an object.

Her fathers voice went on and on it was getting more and more annoying and she wished she could be free, and be her own person. At times she hated being a princess with all the things she had to endure. She signed but there was no way she'd get out of being married.

.... and then: "In accordance with our laws, by the rights of our heritage, only the first born of each of the great leaders may be presented as champion!" Harumi perked her head up hearing this: "first born?" She asked herself as her father continued talking. And thus, compete for the hand of the princess of ninjago. To win the fair maiden, they must prove their worth by feets of strength or arms in the games. It is customary for the challenge to be determined by the princess herself. Harumi gets excited and jumps up. "Sword fighting!" Eveyone looks at her blankly. Then harumi remains her composer. She coughs, "excuse me I meant to say I choose sword fighting"

Her father turned to the crowd as harumi smiled to herself this was her chance to save herself from marriage, and she wasn't going to pass this Opportunity up.

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