Chapter22: bear?!

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The wind whisked past harumi, as she was riding her horse vanellope into the woods as she cried, harder and harder. The rain started to pour, as she was riding from the castle. She hiccuped, her father was evil. She had always given him the benefit of the doubt but he was truly evil. She wouldn't doubt that he didn't care for her at all. Her thoughts were interrupted by getting thrown off her horse. She screamed and groaned as she hit the ground hard. Still crying, she got off the ground and looked at her companion. "Vanellope!" She asked. She was all muddy now, and the dress was ruined. She used her sleeve to wipe away her tears, as she looked at what scared Venellope so bad. She noticed they were in the rings of stones, a place where her mother once told her a child, if everything was done correctly Could be used to remove curses, and other things. Her father of course de-bunked this. But a childish part of her always belived. She saw some blue light? 'No, it was the wisps!' Giving a sigh of relief, knowing she wasn't alone. She petted her horses mane. "It's alright girl. I'll protect you. Nothing is going to hurt you" she told the horse. Who neighed in response. The Forest was lush and green, but it was beautiful that little rain drops dripped down onto the leaves, catching the drops protectively as if they were their child.

'I wonder where they're taking us venellope' she muttered, as soon they were in a green valley. Then off to the side there was a little cottage, alongside a little lake. 'Huh' she walked forward. But she tied her horse to a tree to keep her safe, she petted her mane again. "It's alright girl, I'll be right back" she promised as she setted off towards the cottage wondering what she might find there.

She walked in,and she looked around. There were carvings of bears all around her, and she had to push away from carvings so she didn't hit them with her head. She nearly jumped when she heard a voice: "Hello dear, it's been awhile since we've had a customer. Go ahead and look around all you like, but let me know if you need anything" a sweet old woman told her as she continued to carve a bear. Harumi was astonished as she looked around. Her mother, and father taught her at a young age not to talk to strangers, but she seemed like a nice woman and trustworthy. Harumi put on one of her brightest smiles. "Hello, she greeted who are you?"

The women smiled, she had a nice brown cloak, and looked very nice. She looked at the girl. "Oh, my name is mistaké, but I'm just a woodcarver, nothing special" she said to her as she continued. Harumi looked around. Everything looked amazing. "Woah, you made all of this?" She asked women. Who nodded. Harumi was astonished, when suddenly somthing caught her eye. 'Huh?' She asked, turning around she saw the women's broom was sweeping by its self. Harumi gasped and staggered back. "Ma'am! Your broom! She shouted in panic. The women quickly snapped her fingers and the broom fell down. Harumi was on edge. "It was sweeping by itself! I feel scared yet...... intrigued" she muttered that last part. The women however looked at the girl. "No no, you must of not gotten any sleep last night! I promise you the broom was not moving by its self young lady" she said as harumi goes towards a crow, and being the curious teen goes to touch it.

As she does so Mistaké Voice called out to her: "Ah! That's stuffed!" The women said as harumi suddenly got snapped at by the bird's beak. She gasped and went back a step in fear, and to her utter amazement it spoke actually spoke like a person did. "Hey watch it!" Squawked the bird. Harumi blinked. "It can talk? It can talk!?" She yelled.

As the crow smirked and puffed out its chest. "Ah do you like music young girl" he asked and without an answer started to sing however he got a broom to the face, and was knocked to the ground. The broom sweeps it across the floor, before the crow hissed at the broom, and it fled away in terror.

Rumi's eyes widened, as she realized who she was. Her mom told her stories of her kind, but told her they all disappeared years ago. So what was she doing here?

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