Ch-38 ★Alive

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Ch-38 ★Alive


Jay and I along with Beatrice boarded the next to flight to London. The flight passed by in brief interval of sleep and watching Jay, his hand tightly wrapped around on mine. I was afraid of letting go, thinking the moment his finger slip from mine, he will disappear and won’t ever return. Beatrice snored softly, her head against Jay’s arm.

            Suddenly, I feel like crying, it hurting all over inside. In places, I never knew I could feel pain. I don’t want him to see me like this. It’s like I’ve given up on him even before I’ve fought. I end running to the lavatory and crying until the airhostess had to drag me out.

            “Aura,” Jay whispers, leaning in to kiss me softly. He pulls away for a moment, his eyes staring at my wine red ones. “I’m sorry,”

            The plane soon lands and I’m once again surrounded by the damp smell of London. We drop Beatrice at her boarding school, promising her a visit to her grandparents aka my parents and her aunt, Samantha during winter break.

            Jay drives us to Grey mansion in silence. It’s a suffocating silence, the kind that chokes me over and over as a serpent coiling around my neck. A tear slips out the side of my eyes, I can’t contain it. The song I’m coming home comes on the radio.

            I laugh. “What a coincidence,”

Jay gives me a warm smiles. I see that we’re approaching the white pillared mansion. There is nervous lump in my throat. Anxiety and sadness are never a good combination.

“I don’t want go. Let’s run away and go somewhere far. It could be just the two of us and no one else,” I speak in a chocked voice, a sob threatening to escape again. “We can make our own little world,”

“Aura, we can’t” His eyes are sad. I know he’s probably blaming himself for my senseless outburst.

“Jay, please,” I’m literally begging him, my hands are folded in-front of my chests, tears splashing on my crinkled dress.

The car comes to abrupt halt, I jolt slightly forward in the seat, the belt cutting my waist. Grey mansion stands tall, the green grass cut to perfection. The night is beginning to fall as the sun plunges further down the horizon, just behind the white mansion.

“They miss you,” I don’t need to ask him who he means by they.“Especially your father. It’s killing him,”

“Won’t your parents miss you if you …” My words are left hanging in the cold air. Jay presses his lips against mine. They’re soft and warm like melted butter. My eyes flutter shut, as my fingers rise to brush the rough stubble tracing his jaw. Inside my chest, my heart painfully thumps against my rib-cage. A blissful sensation soars through my veins, curling my toes.

            “Jay,” I gasp, putting some distance between. “No,

His dark eyes remorsefully study me.  “I’m doing this for myself. Aura, I can’t live with this guilt any longer,”

            I unravel myself from him. “Okay, fine.” My hands reach for the door handle. “Just promise, before you do anything reckless, you’ll go talk Cassidy. She’s my lawyer.”

            He’s about to open his mouth, ready to object. I press a hand to his lips. “No, you’ll go talk to her right now,” I removed my hand and sighed. “I’ll be home by ten. You’ve got until then,”

            By home, I meant Jay’s apartment. I didn’t think I needed to explain that to him.

Jay quirked an eyebrow. “You’re not spending the night with your family?”

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